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E.13 A simple color image

viewport 0.1 0.9 0.15 0.9  # Set viewport to most of the page.
limits 0 1 0 1             # Match user limits to the viewport.
color 14                   # Select a dark gray color.
fill 1                     # Set fill type to solid.
rect 0 1 0 1               # Fill the rectangle with gray.
viewport 0.25 0.75 0.2 0.9 # Reset the viewport size.
expand 1.1                 # Set the character size.
font 2                     # Set the font type.
image orion.fits 1         # Read in plane #1.
winadj 0 nx 0 ny           # Set the x/y scale to be the same.
header rd                  # Read header and set limits.
palette 2                  # Select the rainbox palette
halftone 0 20              # Draw the halftone.
color 7                    # Draw the box in yellow.
box bcnsthz bcnstvdyzf     # Draw a box.
expand 1.5                 # Make the top label a bit bigger.
color 2                    # Set the color to red.
mtext T -2 0.15 0 T\dmax
expand 1.1                 # Reset character size.
color 7                    # Write axis labels in yellow too.
xlabel \ga (1950)
mtext L 3.5 0.5 0.5 \gd (1950)
wedge RI 0.5 3.0 0 20 BCMV
color 1                    # Reset the color.

Figure E.13: A basic color image plot. The contents of the image header file are the same as those seen in Example E.10.