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E Sample Plots


This appendix contains several examples of plot files generated using many of the WIP commands described in this manual. Because of the obvious limitations of print, commands like color are omitted from this appendix. Wherever possible, each command is followed by a comment statement. While these comments, marked by the comment character  (#),  are not required, they do provide information as to why certain commands are included or are necessary to generate a certain aspect of a plot. The user is strongly encouraged to include comments whenever possible; especially in macro definitions. All plots in this appendix may be reproduced by typing the commands listed in the accompanying plot files.

Figure E.1
is a very basic plot demonstrating many of the commands that control the simple graphical attributes described in Chapter 3.

Figure E.2
demonstrates how to read data in from an external file.

Figure E.3
shows several examples of how to annotate a plot with text and also illustrates the various fonts available in WIP.

Figure E.4
displays the lower and upper case Greek letters and the Roman characters needed to generate them.

Figure E.5
presents a simple example of how to partition a single plot surface into sub-regions or panels; illustrates the various ways that the box   command may be called; and demonstrates how to define and pass arguments to a macro .

Figure E.6
presents a more complicated example of how to use macros and how to generate array entries. This example also illustrates the use of the set and loop commands.

Figure E.7
  plots the standard graph markers used by the symbol   command.

Figure E.8
  continues the previous example by illustrating how to display the Hershey symbols used by WIP. The macro, as listed, will display all currently available Hershey symbols, but only the first page is shown in this example. This example also makes use of macros , panels , and the loop  comman