Scientific Papers
No. | Title | Author |
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1 | Test observations that search for metal-poor stars with the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) | Hai-Ning Li, Gang Zhao, Norbert Christlieb, et al. | RAA | 10 | 753 | 2010 | LiHaiNing -RAA(2010).pdf![]() |
2 | A very bright (i = 16.44) quasar in the 'redshift desert' discovered by the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) | Xue-Bing Wu, Zhao-Yu Chen, Zhen-Dong Jia, et al. | RAA | 10 | 737 | 2010 | WuXueBing-RAA(2010).pdf![]() |
3 | New background quasars in the vicinity of the Andromeda Galaxy discovered with the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) | Zhi-Ying Huo, xiao-Wei Liu, Hai-Bo Yuan, et al. | RAA | 10 | 612 | 2010 | HuoZhi-Ying -RAA(2010).pdf![]() |
4 | Eight new quasars discovered by the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) in one extragalactic field | Xue-Bing Wu,Z hen-Dong Jia, hao-Yu Chen, et al. | RAA | 10 | 745 | 2010 | WuXueBing -RAA(2010)-1.pdf![]() |
5 | New planetary nebulae in the outskirts of the Andromeda Galaxy discovered with the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) | Hai-Bo Yuan, Xiao-Wei Liu, Zhi-Ying Huo, et al. | RAA | 10 | 599 | 2010 | Yuanhaibo-RAA(2010).pdf![]() |
6 | Spectrum Fitting Code for LAMOST ExtraGAlactic Surveys (LEGAS) | Kong, Xu; Su, Shanshan | IAU | 262 | 295 | 2010 | Kongxu-IAUS(2009).pdf![]() |
7 | Kinematics and Stellar Population Properties of the Andromeda Galaxy by the Spectroscopic Observations of the Guoshoujing Telescope | Hu Zou,Y an-Bin Yang, Tian-Meng Zhang, et al. | RAA | 11 | 1093 | 2011 | Zouhu-RAA(2011).pdf![]() |
8 | Automatic determination of stellar atmospheric parameters and construction of stellar spectral templates of the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) | Yue Wu, A-LiLuo, Hai-NingLi, et al. | RAA | 11 | 924 | 2011 | Wuyue-RAA(2011).pdf![]() |
9 | The LEGUE disk targets for LAMOST's pilot survey | Chen Li, Hou Jin-Liang, Yu Jin-Cheng, et al. | RAA | 12 | 805 | 2012 | Chenli-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
10 | The site conditions of the Guo Shou Jing Telescope | Yao Song, Liu Chao, Zhang Hao-Tong, et al. | RAA | 7 | 772 | 2012 | Yaosong-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
11 | The LEGUE high latitude bright survey design for the LAMOST pilot survey | Zhang Yue-Yang, Carlin Jeffrey L., Yang Fan,et al. | RAA | 12 | 792 | 2012 | Zhangyueyang-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
12 | The LEGUE input catalog for dark night observing in the LAMOST pilot survey | Yang Fan, Carlin Jeffrey L., Liu Chao,et al. | RAA | 12 | 781 | 2012 | Yangfan-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
13 | LAMOST Experiment for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (LEGUE) — The survey's science plan | Deng Li-Cai, Newberg Heidi Jo, Liu Chao, et al. | RAA | 12 | 735 | 2012 | Denglicai-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
14 | The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) | Xiang-Qun Cui, Yong-Heng Zhao, Yao-Quan Chu, et al. | RAA | 12 | 1197 | 2012 | Cuixiangqun-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
15 | LAMOST spectral survey — An overview | Zhao Gang, ZhaoYong-Heng, Chu Yao-Quan, et al. | RAA | 12 | 723 | 2012 | Zhaogang-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
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Data release of the pilot survey | Luo A-Li, Zhang Hao-Tong, Zhao Yong-Heng, et al. | RAA | 12 | 1243-1246 | 2012 | Luoali-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
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An algorithm for preferential selection of spectroscopic targets in LEGUE | Carlin Jeffrey, Lepine Sebastien, Newberg Heidi, et al. | RAA | 12 | 755-771 | 2012 | Carlin-RAA(2012).pdf![]() |
18 | The LAMOST Survey of Background Quasars in the Vicinity of the Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies – II. Results from the Commissioning Observations and the Pilot Surveys | Zhi-Ying Huo, Xiao-Wei Liu, Mao-Sheng Xiang, et al. | AJ | 145 | 159 | 2013 | Huozhiying-AJ(2013).pdf![]() |
19 | White dwarf - main sequence binaries identified from the LAMOST pilot survey | JuanJuan Ren, ALi Luo, Peng Wei, et al. | AJ | 146 | 82 | 2013 | Ren Juanjuan-AJ(2013).pdf![]() |
20 | Properties of abundance gradient along the Galactic disk and the role of LAMOST | J.L. Hou, L. Chen, J.C. Yu, J. Sellwood , et al. | IAU | 298 | 304 | 2013 | Houjinliang-IAUS298(2014).pdf![]() |
21 | 70 DA WHITE DWARFS IDENTIFIED IN LAMOST PILOT SURVEY | J.K.Zhao, A.L.Luo, T.D.Oswalt, et al. | AJ | 145 | 169 | 2013 | Zhaojingkun-AJ(2013).pdf![]() |
22 | DA white dwarfs observed in the LAMOST pilot survey | Yue-Yang Zhang, Li-Cai Deng, Chao Liu, et al. | AJ | 146 | 34 | 2013 | ZhangYueYang-AJ(2013).pdf![]() |
23 | Asymmetric substructure in bulk velocities of Milky Way disk stars | Jeffrey L. Carlin, James Delaunay, Heidi Jo Newberg, et al. | ApJL | 777 | L5 | 2013 | Carlin-ApJL(2013).pdf![]() |
24 | The disk targets for LAMOST pilot survey | Hou, J. L.; Zhong, J.; Chen, L. et al. | IAU | 105 | 292 | 2013 | Houjingliang-IAUS(2013).pdf![]() |
25 | Data mining for cataclysmic variables in the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope archive | Jiang Bin, Luo Ali, Zhao Yongheng, et al. | MNRAS | 430 | 986 | 2013 | JiangBin-MNRAS(2013).pdf![]() |
26 | ASERA: A Spectrum Eye Recognition Assistant for Quasar Spectra | Hailong YUAN, Haotong ZHANG, Yanxia ZHANG et al. | Astronomy and Computing | 3 | 65 | 2013 | Yuanhailong-AstroComputing(2013).pdf![]() |
27 | Hydrogen lines in LAMOST low-resolution spectra of RR Lyrae stars | F.Yang, L.Deng, C.Liu, et al. | New Astronomy | 26 | 72 | 2014 | YangFan-New Astronomy(2014).pdf![]() |
28 | M dwarf catalog of LAMOST pilot survey | Z. Yi, A Luo, Y. Song, et al. | AJ | 147 | 33 | 2014 | Yizhenping-AJ(2014).pdf![]() |
29 | HST and LAMOST discover a dual active galactic nucleus in J0038+4128 | Y. Huang, X. Liu, H. Yuan, et al. | MNRAS | 439 | 2927 | 2014 | Huangyang-MNRAS(2014).pdf![]() |
30 | Emission Lines properties of the radio-loud QSO: LAMOST J1131+3114 | Shi Zhixin, Luo Ali, Georges Comte, et al. | A&A | 564 | A89 | 2014 | Shizhixin-AA(2014).pdf![]() |
31 | On the Construction of New Stellar Classification Templates Library for LAMOST Spectra Analysis Pipeline | Wei Peng, Luo Ali, Wang Fengfei et al. | AJ | 147 | 101 | 2014 | Weipeng-AJ(2014).pdf![]() |
32 | ON THE METALLICITIES OF KEPLER STARS | Subo Dong, Zheng Zheng, Zhaohuan Zhu, et al. | ApJL | 789 | L3 | 2014 | Dongsubo-ApJL(2014).pdf![]() |
33 | A Search for Double-peaked narrow emission line Galaxies and AGNs in the LAMOST DR1 | Zhi-Xin Shi, A-li Luo, G. Comte et al. | RAA | 14 | 1234 | 2014 | Shizhixin-RAA(2014).pdf![]() |
34 | THE FIRST HYPERVELOCITY STAR FROM THE LAMOST SURVEY | Zheng Zheng, Heidi Jo Newberg, Timothy C. Beers et al. | ApJL | 785 | L23 | 2014 | Zhengzheng-ApJL(2014).pdf![]() |
35 | THE BINARITY OF MILKY WAY F,G,K STARS AS A FUNCTION OF EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE AND METALLICITY | Gao Shuang, Liu Chao, Zhang Xiaobin, et al. | ApJL | 788 | L37 | 2014 | Gaoshuang-ApJL(2014).pdf![]() |
36 | The Nearest High-Velocity Stars Revealed by LAMOST Data Release 1 | Jing Zhong, Li Chen,Chao Liu, et al. | ApJL | 789 | 2Z | 2014 | Zhongjing-APJL(2014).pdf![]() |
37 | Three Moving Groups Detected in the LAMOST DR1 Archive | J.K. Zhao, G. Zhao, Y. Q. Chen, et al. | ApJ | 787 | 31 | 2014 | Zhaojingkun-ApJ(2014).pdf![]() |
38 | The K giant stars from LAMOST survey data I: identification ,metallicity, and distance | Chao Liu, Li-Cai Deng, Jeffery, L. Carlin,et al. | ApJ | 790 | 110 | 2014 | Liuchao-APJ(2014).pdf![]() |
39 | White dwarf-main sequence binaries from LAMOST:the DR1 catalogue | J. Ren, A. Luo, A. Rebassa-Mansergas, et al. | A&A | 570 | 107 | 2014 | Renjuanjuan-AA(2014).pdf![]() |
40 | Fixing the Reference Frame for PPMXL Proper Motions Using Extragalactic Sources | Kathleen Grabowski, Jerey L. Carlin, Heidi Jo Newberg,et al. | RAA | 15 | 849 | 2015 | Kathleen-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
41 | Kinematics and Activity of M dwarfs in LAMOST DR1 | Yi zhenping, Luo ali, Zhao, Jingkun,et al. | RAA | 15 | 860 | 2015 | Yizhenping-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
42 | The velocity distribution in the solar neighborhood from the LAMOST pilot survey | Qiran Xia, Chao Liu, Yan Xu, et al. | MNRAS | 447 | 2367 | 2015 | Xiaqiran-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
43 | Relative Flux Calibration of the LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anti-center | M.S. Xiang, X.W. Liu, H. B. Yuan, et al.  | MNRAS | 448 | 90 | 2015 | Xiangmaosheng-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
44 | Spectroscopic analysis of metal-poor stars from LAMOST: early results | Hai-Ning Li, Gang Zhao,Norbert Christlieb, et al. | ApJ | 798 | 110 | 2015 | Lihaining-ApJ(2015).pdf![]() |
45 | The LAMOST Stellar Parameter Pipeline at Peking University —LSP3 | M. S. Xiang, X. W. Liu, H. B. Yuan, et al. | MNRAS | 448 | 822 | 2015 | MNRAS-2015-Xiang-822-54.pdf![]() |
46 | LAMOST Spctroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anti-center (LSS-GAC): target selection and the first data release of value-added catalogs | H. B. Yuan ,X. W. Liu, Z. Y. Huo, et al. | MNRAS | 448 | 855 | 2015 | Yuanhaibo-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
47 | STELLAR LOCI. III. PHOTOMETRIC METALLICITIES FOR HALF MILLION FGK STARS OF STRIPE 82 | Haibo Yuan, Xiaowei Liu, Mao-Sheng Xiang, et al. | ApJ | 803 | 13 | 2015 | Yuanhaibo-ApJ(2015).pdf![]() |
48 | The discovery of 64 luminous infrared galaxies in the LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area at the Southern Galactic Cap | Man I Lam, Hong Wu, Ming Yang et al. | RAA | 15 | 1424 | 2015 | Man Lam-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
49 | Determination of the Local Standard of Rest using the LSS-GAC DR1 | Y. Huang, X.-W. Liu, H.-B. Yuan,et al. | MNRAS | 450 | 743 | 2015 | Huangyang-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
50 | A Large Sample of Am Candidates from LAMOST Data Release 1 | Wen Hou, Ali Luo, Haifeng Yang , et al. | MNRAS | 449 | 1401 | 2015 | Houwen-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
51 | Identifying Carbon stars from the pilot survey with the efficient manifold ranking algorithm | Jian-Min Si , Yin-Bi Li , A-Li Luo , et al. | RAA | 15 | 1671 | 2015 | Sijianmin-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
52 | DA white dwarfs from the LSS-GAC survey DR1:the preliminary luminosity and mass functions and formation rate | A. Rebassa-Mansergas, X.-W. Liu,R. Cojocaru, et al. |
MNRAS | 450 | 743 | 2015 | Rebassa-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
53 | The first data release (DR1) of the LAMOST regular survey | A-Li Luo , Yong-Heng Zhao , Gang Zhao , et al. | RAA | 15 | 1095 | 2015 | Luoali-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
54 | Asteroseismic based estimation of the surface gravity for the LAMOST giant stars | Chao Liu, Min Fang, Yue Wu, et al. | ApJ | 807 | 4 | 2015 | Liuchao-ApJ(2015) .pdf![]() |
56 | 19 Low mass hyper-velocity star candidates from the first data release of LAMOST survey | Yin-bi Li, A-Li Luo, Gang Zhao, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1364 | 2015 | Liyinbi-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
57 | Red Clump Stars from the LAMOST data I: identification and distance | Junchen Wan, Chao Liu, Licai Deng, et al | RAA | 15 | 1166 | 2015 | Wanjunchen-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
58 | Spectral classification of stars based on LAMOST spectra | Chao Liu, Wen-Yuan Cui, Bo Zhang ,et al; | RAA | 15 | 1137 | 2015 | Liuchao-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
59 | The first sample of local E+A galaxies in LAMOST Data Released 2 | Haifeng Yang, Ali Luo, Xiaoyan Chen, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1414 | 2015 | Yanghaifeng-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
60 | The M-type star candidates identified in the LAMOST data release 1 | Jing Zhong, S´ebastien L´epine, Jing Li, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1154 | 2015 | Zhongjing-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
61 | CaII H&K EMISSION DISTRIBUTION OF 120,000 F, G AND K STARS IN LAMOST DR1 | Jing-kun Zhao, T. D. Oswalt, Yu-Qin Chen,et al. | RAA | 15 | 1282 | 2015 | Zhaojingkun-RAA(2015)-1.pdf![]() |
62 | Halo Stream candidates in the LAMOST DR2 | Jing-kun Zhao, Gang-Zhao, Yu-Qin Chen, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1378 | 2015 | Zhaojingkun-RAA(2015)-2.pdf![]() |
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The Comparison of Stellar Parameters between LAMOST and APOGEE databases | Y.Q. Chen, G. Zhao, C. Liu, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1125 | 2015 | Chenyuqin-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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The LAMOST Survey of Background Quasars in the Vicinity Fields of the M31 and M33 – III. Results from the 2013 Regular Survey | Zhi-Ying Huo, Xiao-Wei Liu, Mao-Sheng Xiang,et al. | RAA | 15 | 1438 | 2015 | Huozhiyhing-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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M Dwarf Catalog of LAMOST Regular Survey Data Release One | Yan-Xin Guo, Zhen-Ping Yi, A-Li Luo, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1182 | 2015 | Guoyanxin-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
The evolution of stellar metallicity gradients of the Milky Way ;disk from LSS-GAC; main sequence turn-off stars; | M.S. Xiang, X. W. Liu, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1209 | 2015 | Xiangmaosheng-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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Galactic Disk Bulk Motions as Revealed by the LSS-GAC DR2 | Ning-Chen Sun, Xiao-Wei Liu, Yang Huang, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1342 | 2015 | Sunningcheng-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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The first symbiotic stars from the LAMOST survey | Jiao Li, Joanna Mikołajewska, Xue-Fei Chen, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1332 | 2015 | Lijiao-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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The LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of Globular Clusters in M 31 and M 33. I. Catalog and new identifications | B.-Q. Chen, X.-W. Liu, M.-S. Xiang, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1392 | 2015 | Chenbingqiu-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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Candidate members of star clusters from LAMOST DR2 | Bo Zhang, Xiao-Yan Chen, Chao Liu, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1197 | 2015 | Zhangbo-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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Searching for classical Be stars in LAMOST DR1 | Chen-Cheng Lin, Jinliang Hou, Li Chen, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1325 | 2015 | Lichencheng-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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On the metallicity gradients of the Galactic disk as revealed by LSS-GAC red clump stars | Yang Huang, Xiao-Wei Liu, Hua-Wei Zhang, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1240 | 2015 | Huangyang-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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A Search for Mg-Poor Stars from the LAMOST Survey Data | Qian-fan Xing and Gang Zhao | RAA | 15 | 1275 | 2015 | Xingqianfan-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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Discovery of a strongly r-process enhanced extremely metal-poor star LAMOST J110901.22+075441.8 | Hai-Ning Li , Wako Aoki, Satoshi Honda, et al. | RAA | 15 | 1264 | 2015 | Lihaining-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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The Stellar Kinematics in the Solar Neighborhood from LAMOST Data | Hai-Jun Tian, Chao Liu, et al. | ApJ | 809 | 145 | 2015 | Tianhaijun-ApJ(2015).pdf![]() |
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LAMOST OBSERVATIONS IN THE Kepler FIELD. I. DATABASE OF LOW-RESOLUTION SPECTRA | P. De Cat,J.N. Fu, A.B. Ren, X.H. Yang,et al | ApJS | 220 | 19(1-18) | 2015 | DeCat2015-ApJS(2015).pdf![]() |
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A Practical Deconvolutio Computation Algorithm to Extract 1D Spectra from 2D Images of Optical Fiber Spetroscopy | Li Guangwei, Zhang Haotong, Bai Zhongrui | PASP | 127 | 552 | 2015 | Liguangwei-PASP(2015).pdf![]() |
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Acomprehensive study of the the open cluster NGC 6866 | Z. F. Bostanci, T. AK, T. Yontan, Sl Bilir et al. | MNRAS | 453 | 1095 | 2015 | Bostanci-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
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An indepentent test of the photometrci selection of white dward candidiates using LAMOST DR3 |
N. P. Gentile Fusillo, A. Rebassa-Mansergas, B. T. Gansicke,et al. |
MNRAS | 452 | 765 | 2015 | Gentile-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
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Preface: The LAMOST Galactic surveys and early results | Liu XiaoWei, Zhao G, Hou JL | RAA | 15 | 1089 | 2015 | Liuxiaowei-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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Estimating stellar atmospheric parameters based on LASSO and support-vector regression | Xiangru Li | MNRAS | 452 | 1394 | 2015 | Lixiangru-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
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Optical turbulence characterization at LAMOST site: observations and models | Liu, LY, Giordano, C,Yao, YQ, et al; | MNRAS | 451 | 3299 | 2015 | Liuliyong-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
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Validation of LAMOST Stellar Parameters with the PASTEL Catalog |
Hua Gao, Hua-Wei Zhang, Mao-Sheng Xiang, et al. | RAA | 15 | 2204 | 2015 | Gaohua-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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White dwarfs identified in LAMOST DR2 | Jincheng Guo, Jinkun Zhao, Anestis Tziamtzis, et al. | MNRAS | 454 | 2787-2797 | 2015 | GuoJincheng-MNRAS(2015).pdf![]() |
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APPLICATION OF THE SEGUE STELLAR PARAMETER PIPELINE TO STELLAR SPECTRA | Lee Young Sun, Beers Timothy C., Carlin Jeffrey L,et al. | AJ | 150 | 1-18 | 2015 | Lee-AJ(2015).pdf![]() |
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High-resolution spectroscopic studies of ultra metal-poor stars found in the LAMOST survey | Li Haining, Aoki Wako, Zhao Gan, et al. | PASJ | 67 | 84(1-12) | 2015 | Lihaining-PASJ(2015).pdf![]() |
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NEWLY DISCOVERED ALPHA-POOR STARS IN THE SOLAR NEIGHBORHOOD | Xing, Q. F.; Zhao, G. | ApJ | 805 | 146(1-6) | 2015 | Xingqianfan-APJ(2015).pdf![]() |
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A sample galaxy pairs identified from the LAMOST spectral survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey | Shiyin Shen, M;Argudo-Femandez, Li Chen,et al. | RAA | 16 | 43 | 2016 | Shenshiyin-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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On the LSP3 estimates of surface gravity for LAMOST- Kepler stars with asteroseismic measurements | Juan-Juan Ren, Xiao-Wei Liu, Mao-Sheng Xiang,et al. | RAA | 16 | 45 | 2016 | Renjuanjuan-RAA(2015).pdf![]() |
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FGK 22 μm Excess Stars in LAMOST DR2 Stellar Catalog | Chao-Jian Wu, Hong Wu, Kang Liu, et al. | RAA | 16 | 102(1)-(6) | 2016 | Wuchaojian-RAA(2016).pdf![]() |
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The Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from the First Data Release | Y.L.Ai, Xue-Bing Wu,Jinyi Yang, | AJ | 151 | 1-24 | 2016 | Aiyanli-AJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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Selecting M Giants with Infrared Photometry: Distances, Metallicities, and the Sagittarius Stream | Jing Li, Martin C.Smith, Jing Zhong, et al. | ApJ | 823 | 1-14 | 2016 | Lijing-ApJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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A method of measuring [α/Fe] ratios from the spectra of LAMOST survey | Ji Li, Chen Han, Mao-Shen Xiang, Jian-Rong Shi, et al. | RAA | 16 | 110(1)-(14) | 2016 | Liji-RAA(2016).pdf![]() |
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New tidal debris nearby the Sagittarius leading tail from the LAMOST DR2 M giant stars | Jing Li, Chao Liu, Jeffrey L. Carlin,et al. | RAA | 16 | 125(1)-(10) | 2016 | Lijing-RAA(2016).pdf![]() |
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Determine the local dark matter density with LAMOST data | Qiran Xia, Chao Liu, Shude Mao, et al. | MNRAS | 458 | 3839-3850 | 2016 | Xiaqiran-MNRAS(2016).pdf![]() |
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Nearby M Subdwarfs from LAMOST Data Realease 2 | Y. Bai, A.L.,Luo, G., Comte, et al. | RAA | 16 | 107(1)-(14) | 2016 | Baiyu-RAA(2016).pdf![]() |
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Spectral analysis of early–type H emission stars from the second data release(DR2) of the LAMOST | Wen Hou, ALi Luo, Haifeng Yang,et al. | RAA | 16 | 138 | 2016 | Houwen-RAA(2016).pdf![]() |
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Measure the distance and extinction for stars in LAMOST survey with Bayesian method | Jianling Wang , Jianrong Shi , Yongheng Zhao, et al. | MNRAS | 456 | 672 | 2016 | Wangjianling-MNRAS(2016).pdf![]() |
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Characterizing the SHARDS of Disrupted Milky Way Satellites with LAMOST | JEFFREY L. CARLIN , CHAO LIU , HEIDI JO NEWBERG, LICAI DENG, ET AL | ApJ | 822 | 1-16 | 2016 | Carlin-ApJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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A systematic search for the spectra with features of crystalline silicates in the Spitzer IRS Enhanced Products | Rui Chen, Ali Luo,Jianming Liu,Biwei Jiang. | AJ | 151 | 146 | 2016 | Chenrui-AJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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An Efficient Method for Rare Spectra Retrieval in Astronomical Darabases | Changde Du,Ali Luo,Haifeng Yang, etal | PASP | 128 | 961 | 2016 | Duchangde-PASP(2016).pdf![]() |
CALIBRATION OF LAMOST STELLAR SURFACE GRAVITIES USING THE KEPLER ASTEROSEISMIC DATA | Liang Wang, Wei Wang, Yue Wu, et al. | AJ | 152 | 1-6 | 2016 | Wangliang-AJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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Lamost observations in the Kepler Field. Analysis of the stellar parameters measured with the lasp based on the low-resolution spectral | Anbing Ren, Jianning Fu, Peter De Cat, et al. | ApJS | 225 | 28 | 2016 | Ren Anbin-ApJs(2016).pdf![]() |
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Carbon star candidates identified from LAMOST DR2 | Wei Ji,Wenyuan Cui , Chao Liu , et al. | ApJS | 226 | 1-9 | 2016 | CARBON STARS FROM LAMOST DR2 DATA.pdf![]() |
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Exoplanet Orbital Eccentricities Derived From LAMOST-Kepler Analysis | Ji-Wei Xie, Subo Dong, Zhaohuan Zhu, et al. | PNAS | 1604692113 | 1-5 | 2016 | Xiejiwei-PNAS(2016).pdf![]() |
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LAMOST 1: A DISRUPTED SATELLITE IN THE CONSTELLATION DRACO | John J. Vickers , Martin C. Smith , Yonghui Hou , et al. | ApJL | 816 | L2 | 2016 | Vickers-ApJL(2016).pdf![]() |
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Hot Subdwarf Stars Observed in LAMOST DR1 - Atmospheric Parameters from Single-Lined Spectra |
Peter Nemeth,Chao Liu, et al. |
ApJ | 818 | 1-13 | 2016 | Luoyangping-ApJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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Observational evidence for enhanced magnetic activity of Superflare stars | Christoffer Karoff, Mads Faurschou Knudsen, Peter de Cat, et al. | Nature Communications | 7 | 11058 | 2016 | Christoffer-NatureComm(2016).pdf![]() |
Chromospheric activity properties and search for subdwarfs and extreme subdwarfs based on LAMOST stellar spectral survey | Zhang Liyun; Pi Qingfeng; Han Xianming al. | New Astronomy | 44 | 66-77 | 2016 | Zhangliyun-NewAstronomy(2016).pdf![]() |
LAMOST OBSERVATIONS IN THE KEPLER FIELD: SPECTRAL CLASSIFICATION WITH THE MKCLASS CODE | Gray R. O., Corbally C. J, De Cat P.,et al. | AJ | 151 | 13(1)-(6) | 2016 | Gray-AJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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Spectral identification of the u-band variable sources in two LAMOST fields | Cao TianWen, Yang Ming,Wu hong, et al. | Ap&SS | 361 | 1-13 | 2016 | Cao Tianwen-ApSS(2016).pdf![]() |
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The LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of Star Clusters in M31. II. Metallicities, Ages, and Masses | Chen Bingqiu, Liu, Xiaowei, Xiang Maosheng, et al. | AJ | 152 | 1-20 | 2016 | Chenbingqiu-AJ(2016).pdf![]() |
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The MilkyWay’s rotation curve out to 100 kpc and its constraint on the Galactic mass distribution | Y. Huang, X.-W. Liu, H.-B. Yuan, et al. | MNRAS | 463 | 2623 | 2016 | Huang Yang-MNRAS(2016).pdf![]() |
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Kinematics of the Galactic disk from LAMOST Dwarf sample | Yingjie Jing, Cuihua Du, Jiayin Gu, et al. | MNRAS | 463 | 3390-3397 | 2016 | Jing Yingjie-MNRAS(2016).pdf![]() |
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Stellar activity with LAMOST – I. Spot configuration in Pleiades | Fang, Xiang-Song; Zhao, Gang; et al. | MNRAS | 463 | 2494- 2512 | 2016 | Stellar activity with LAMOST – I. Spot configuration in Pleiades.pdf![]() |
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New Halo Stars of the Galactic Globular Clusters M3 and M13 in the LAMOST DR1 Catalog | Navin, Colin A.; Martell, Sarah L.; Zucker, Daniel B. |
ApJ | 829 | 123 | 2016 | New Halo Stars of M3 and M13 in the LAMOST DR1.pdf![]() |
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Activity indicators and stellar parameters of the Kepler targets. An application of the ROTFIT pipeline to LAMOST-Kepler stellar spectra | Frasca, A.; Molenda-Żakowicz, J.; De cat, et al. | A&A | 594 | A39 | 2016 | An application of the ROTFIT pipeline to LAMOST-Kepler stellar spectra.pdf![]() |
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Asteroseismology of 1523 new red giants observed by Kepler | Jie Yu, Daniel Huber, Timothy R. Bedding, et al. | MNRAS | 463 | 1297 | 2016 | Yu Jie-MNRAS(2016).pdf![]() |
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A SUPER-SOLAR METALLICITY FOR STARS WITH HOT ROCKY EXOPLANETS | Gijs D. Mulders, Ilaria Pascucci, Dániel Apai,et al. | AJ | 152 | 187 | 2016 | Gijs-AJ(2016)).pdf![]() |
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The white dwarf binary pathways survey – I. A sample of FGK stars with white dwarf companions | S. G. Parsons,A. Rebassa-Mansergas,M. R. Schreiber | MNRAS | 463 | 2125–2136 | 2016 | Parsons-MNRAS(2016).pdf![]() |
122 |
An investigation of collisions between fiber positioning units in LAMOST | Xiao-Jie Liu and Gang Wang | RAA | 16 | 65 | 2016 | Liu Xiaojie-RAA(2016).pdf![]() |
123 |
LAMOST SPECTROGRAPH RESPONSE CURVES: STABILITY AND APPLICATION TO FLUX CALIBRATION | Bing Du , A-Li Luo , Xiao Kong, et al. | ApJS | 227 | 27 | 2016 | Du_2016_ApJS_227_27.pdf![]() |
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Photometric fellowup investigation on LAMOST survey target Ly And | Hong-peng Lu, Li-yun Zhang, et al. | New Astronomy | 51 | 59-64 | 2017 | Zhang Liyun-New Astron(2017).pdf![]() |
Estimating stellar atmospheric parameters, absolute magnitudes and elemental abundances from the LAMOST spectra with Kernel-based Principal Component Analysis | Xiang Maosheng,Liu XIaowei, et al. | MNRAS | 464 | 3657 | 2017 | Xiang Maosheng-MNRAS(2017).pdf![]() |
126 |
THE PROPERTIES OF RED GIANT STARS ALONG THE SAGITTARIUS TIDAL TAILS | X.ZHANG, W.B.SHI, et al. | A&A | 597 | A54 | 2017 | Zhang X-A&A(2017).pdf![]() |
127 |
REVISION OF STELLAR INTRINSIC COLORS IN THE INFRARED BY SPECTROSCOPIC SURVEYS | Mingjie Jian, Shuang Gao, He Zhao,et al. | AJ | 153 | 5 | 2017 | Jian Mingjie-AJ(2017).pdf![]() |
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The local spiral arm in the LAMOST-Gaia common stars | Liu Chao | ApJL | 835 | L18 | 2017 | Liu_2017_ApJL_835_L18.pdf![]() |
129 |
Cosmic Ray Removal in Fiber Spectroscopic Image |
Zhongrui Bai, Haotong Zhang , Hailong Yuan et al |
PASP | 129 | 972 | 2017 | Bai_2017_PASP_129_024004.pdf![]() |
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Label Transfer from APOGEE to LAMOST: Precise Stellar Parameters for 450,000 LAMOST Giants | Anna Y. Q. Ho, Melissa K. Ness , David W. Hogg et al. | ApJ | 836 | 5 | 2017 | Ho_2017_ApJ_836_5.pdf![]() |
131 |
Stellar parameters of main sequence turn-off star candidates observed with LAMOST and Kepler | Ya-Qian Wu, Mao-Sheng Xiang, Xian-Fei Zhang et al | RAA | 17 | 1(5) | 2017 | Wu_2017_RAA_17_5.pdf![]() |
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LAMOST Observations of Flaring M Dwarfs in the Kepler Field. |
H.-Y. Chang , Y.-H. Song , A.-L. Luo |
ApJ | 834 | 92 | 2017 | Chang_2017_ApJ_834_92.pdf![]() |
133 |
LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anticentre (LSS-GAC): the second release of value-added catalogues | M.-S. Xiang, X.-W. Liu, H.-B. Yuan, Z.-Y. Huo, Y. Huang, et al. | MNRAS | 467 | 1890 | 2017 | LSS-GAC- the second release of value of value-added catalogues.pdf![]() |
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Double-lined M dwarf eclipsing binaries from Catalina Sky Survey and LAMOST | Chien-Hsiu Lee and Chien-Cheng Lin | RAA | 17 | 15 | 2017 | Lee_2017_RAA_17_15.pdf![]() |
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A new automated spectral feature extraction method and its application in spectral classification and defective spectra recovery | Wang K,Guo P,Luo Ali | MNRAS | 465 | 4311-4324 | 2017 | A new automated spectral feature extraction method and its application.pdf![]() |
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The binarity of Galactic dwarf stars along with effective temperature and metallicity | Gao Shuang ,Zhao He,Yang Hang | MNRAS | 469 | L68 | 2017 | Gaoshuang-2017-MNRAS.pdf![]() |
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Revisiting the Tale of Hercules: How Stars Orbiting the Lagrange Points Visit the Sun | Angeles Pérez-Villegas, Matthieu Portail, Christopher Wegg | ApJL | 840 | L2 | 2017 | Pérez-Villegas_2017_ApJL_840_L2.pdf![]() |
138 |
A Study of Superimposed Components Recognition and Analysis on LAMOST Extragalactic Spectra |
Haifeng Yang | PASP | 129 | 971 | 2017 | Yang_2017_PASP_129_017001.pdf![]() |
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Studies of the “Peculiar” A-type Stars from LAMOST Survey | Wen Hou | PASP | 129 | 974 | 2017 | Hou_2017_PASP_129_047001.pdf![]() |
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Quasars in the Galactic Anti-Center Area from LAMOST DR3 | Zhi-Ying Huo, Xiao-Wei Liu, Jian-Rong Shi | RAA | 17 | 32 | 2017 | Huo_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_032.pdf![]() |
141 |
Pulsation versus metallicism in Am stars as revealed by LAMOSTand WASP |
Smalley, B.; Antoci, V.; Holdsworth, D. L |
MNRAS | 465 | 2662 | 2017 | B. Smalley-MNRAS-2017.pdf![]() |
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Estimates of the radii, masses, and luminosities of LAMOST stars |
72 | 51 | 2017 | |||||||
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A Novel Sky-Subtraction Method Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorisation with Sparsity for Multi-object Fibre Spectroscopy | Zhang, B | PASA | 33 | 2016 | ||||||||
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Masses and Ages for 230,000 LAMOST Giants, via Their Carbon and Nitrogen Abundances |
Ho, Anna Y. Q.; Rix, Hans-Walter; Ness, Melissa K.; Liu, Chao |
ApJ | 841 | 41 | 2017 | Ho_2017_ApJ_841_40.pdf![]() |
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Red Clump Stars from the LAMOST data II: the stellar density distribution and flare in the outer disk of MilkyWay | Junchen Wan, Chao Liu, Licai Deng | RAA | 17 | 79 | 2017 | |||||||
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Torus Models of the Outer Disc of the Milky Way using LAMOST Survey Data | Qiao Wang, Yougang Wang, Chao Liu, et al. | MNRAS | 470 | 2949 | 2017 | wangqiao-MNRAS-2017.pdf![]() |
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Candidate members of the Pal 5, GD-1, Cetus Polar and Orphan tidal stellar halo streams from SDSS DR9, LAMOST DR3 and APOGEE catalogs | Guang-Wei Li, Brian Yanny, Hao-Tong Zhang, Zong-Rui Bai | RAA | 17 | 62 | 2017 | Li_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_062.pdf![]() |
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Radio stars observed in the LAMOST spectral survey | zhangliyun | RAA | 17 | 105 | 2017 | Zhang_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_105.pdf![]() |
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The peculiar in-plane velocities in the outer disc of the Milky Way | Tian Haijun | RAA | 17 | 144 | 2017 | Tian_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_114.pdf![]() |
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Mapping the Milky Way with LAMOST I: Method and overview | Liu Chao,Xu Yan et al. | RAA | 17 | 96 | 2017 | Liu_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_096.pdf![]() |
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Sky Subtraction for LAMOST | Zhong-Rui Bai, Hao-Tong Zhang, et al. | RAA | 17 | 91 | 2017 | Bai_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_091.pdf![]() |
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The Ages and Masses of a Million Galactic-disk Main-sequence Turnoff and Subgiant Stars from the LAMOST Galactic Spectroscopic Surveys | Maosheng Xiang, Xiaowei Liu, Jianrong Shi. | ApJS | 232 | 2 | 2017 | Xiang_2017_ApJS_232_2.pdf![]() |
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The white dwarf binary pathways survey - II. Radial velocities of 1453 FGK stars with white dwarf companions from LAMOST DR4 | A. Rebassa-Mansergas, J.J. Ren | MNRAS | 472 | 4193 | 2017 | REN-RebassaMansergas-white dwarf.pdf![]() |
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High-resolution spectroscopy of the extremely iron-poor post-AGB star CC Lyr |
Wako Aoki Tadafumi Matsuno et al. |
PASJ | 69 | 21-1 | 2017 | Wako Aoki-PASJ(2017).pdf![]() |
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Yuhan Yao , Chao Liu et al. | ApJS | 232 | 16 | 2017 | Yao_2017_ApJS_232_16.pdf![]() |
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Stellar Stream Candidates in the Solar Neighborhood Found in the LAMOST DR3 and TGAS | X. L. Liang , J. K. Zhao , T. D. Oswalt | ApJ | 844 | 152 | 2017 | Liang_2017_ApJ_844_152.pdf![]() |
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A sample of metal-poor galaxies identified from the LAMOST spectral survey | Yulong Gao, Jianhui Lian, Xu Kong | RAA | 41 | 1674 | 2017 | Gao_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_041.pdf![]() |
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Tracing the Hercules stream with Gaia and LAMOST: new evidence for a fast bar in the Milky Way | Giacomo Monari,Daisuke Kawata | MNRAS | 466 | L113 | 2017 | Giacomo Monari-2017(MNRAS).pdf![]() |
The β Pictoris association: Catalog of photometric rotational periods of low-mass members and candidate members | S. Messina , M. Millward , A. Buccino3, L. Zhang | A&A | 600 | A83 | 2017 | S.Messina-AA29152-16.pdf![]() |
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The Spiral Arm Segments of the Galaxy within 3 kpc from the Sun: A Statistical Approach | Evgeny Griv, Ing-Guey Jiang , and Li-Gang Hou | ApJ | 844 | 118 | 2017 | Griv_2017_ApJ_844_118.pdf![]() |
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The Milky Way's Circular Velocity Curve and Its Constraint on the Galactic Mass with RR Lyrae Stars | Ablimit, Iminhaj ; Zhao, G | ApJ | 846 | 1 | 2017 | 6-Ablimit_2017_ApJ_846_10.pdf![]() |
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Physical properties and catalog of EW-type eclipsing binaries observed by LAMOST | Sheng-Bang Qian | RAA | 17 | 8 | 2017 | Qian_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_087.pdf![]() |
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Prospects for Measuring Abundances of >20 Elements with Low-resolution Stellar Spectra | Yuan-Sen Ting | ApJ | 843 | 32 | 2017 | Ting_2017_ApJ_843_32.pdf![]() |
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A Search for Rapidly Pulsating Hot Subdwarf Stars in the GALEX Survey | Thomas M. Boudreaux , Brad N. Barlow | ApJ | 845 | 171 | 2017 | Boudreaux_2017_ApJ_845_171.pdf![]() |
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New ZZ Ceti stars from the LAMOST survey | Jie Su, Jianning Fu | ApJ | 847 | 34 | 2017 | 9-Su_2017_ApJ_847_34.pdf![]() |
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Mapping the three-dimensional dust extinction toward the supernova remnant S147 – the S147 dust cloud | B.-Q. Chen, X.-W. Liu, J.-J. Ren, et al. | MNRAS | 472 | 3924 | 2017 | Chenbinqiu-mn.pdf![]() |
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Assessing distances and consistency of kinematics in Gaia/TGAS | Ralph Schonrich and Michael Aumer | MNRAS | 472 | 3979 | 2017 | Ralph Schonrich-MNRAS-2017.pdf![]() |
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The Pristine survey I: Mining the Galaxy for the most metal-poor stars | Else Starkenburg, Nicolas Martin, Kris Youakim, et al. | MNRAS | 471 | 2587 | 2017 | Else Starkenburg-2017-MNRAS.pdf![]() |
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Ultracool dwarf benchmarks with Gaia primaries | F. Marocco1, D. J. Pineld, N. J. Cook, et al. | MNRAS | 470 | 4885 | 2017 | F.Marocco-2017-MNRAS.pdf![]() |
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The metallicity of K giant stars along the Sagittarius streams | Hong-Bo Ren , Wei-Bin Shi , Xu Zhang,et al. | RAA | 17 | 76 | 2017 | Ren_2017_Res._Astron._Astrophys._17_076.pdf![]() |
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Mapping the Milky Way with LAMOST – II. The stellar halo | Yan Xu, Chao Liu, Xiang-Xiang Xue,et al. | MNRAS | 473 | 1244 | 2017 | xuyan-MNRAS-2017.pdf![]() |
173 | A Map of the Local Velocity Substructure in the Milky Way Disk | Alan N. Pearl , Heidi Jo Newberg , Jeffrey L. Carlin | ApJ | 847 | 123 | 2017 | Heidi Jo Newberg1-Pearl_2017_ApJ_847_123.pdf![]() |
174 | WHT follow-up observations of extremely metal-poor stars identified from SDSS and LAMOST | D. S. Aguado, J. I. González Hernández et al. | A&A | 605 | A40 | 2017 | DSA-A&A-30654-17.pdf![]() |
175 | Magnetic Activity and Period Variation Studies of the Short-period Eclipsing Binaries. II. V1101 Her, AD Phe, and NSV 455 (J011636.15–394955.7) | Qing-feng Pi, Li-yun Zhang, Shao-lan Bi,et al. | AJ | 154 | 260 | 2017 | Pi_2017_AJ_154_260.pdf![]() |
176 | The Evolution of the Galactic Thick Disk with the LAMOST Survey | Chengdong Li and Gang Zhao. | ApJ | 850 | 25 | 2017 | Li_2017_ApJ_850_25.pdf![]() |
177 | The Flaring Activity of M Dwarfs in the Kepler Field | Huiqin Yang,Jifeng Liu | ApJ | 849 | 36 | 2017 | Yang_2017_ApJ_849_36.pdf![]() |
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Ages of Red Giant Stars Observed with LAMOST and Kepler |
Yaqian Wu, Maosheng Xiang, Shaolan Bi |
475 |
3633 |
2017 |
179 | Measuring 14 Elemental Abundances with R = 1800 LAMOST Spectra | Yuan-Sen Ting, Hans-Walter Rix et al. | ApJL | 849 | L9 | 2017 | Ting_2017_ApJL_849_L9.pdf![]() |
180 | Searching for Hot Subdwarf Stars from the LAMOST Spectra. I. Method | Yude Bu1,2, Zhenxin Lei2,3, Gang Zhao | ApJS | 233 | 2 | 2017 | Bu_2017_ApJS_233_2.pdf![]() |
181 | Spectral classification and composites of galaxies in LAMOST DR4 | Li-Li Wang,A-Li Luo,Shi-Yin Shen,et al. | MNRAS | 474 | 1873 | 2018 | LiLi-MNRAS-2018.pdf![]() |
182 | Carbon stars identified from LAMOST DR4 using Machine Learning | Yin-Bi Li , A-Li Luo , Chang-De Du | ApJS | 234 | 31 | 2018 | Li_2018_ApJS_234_31.pdf![]() |
183 | LAMOST Reveals Neptune-size Cousins of hot Jupiters, preferentially in (metal-)rich and one-child Kepler families | Subo Dong , Ji-Wei Xieb, Ji-Lin Zhou , Zheng Zheng,et al. | PNAS | 115 | 266 | 2018 | Subo Dong-PNAS-2018.pdf![]() |
184 | The UV Emission of Stars in the LAMOST Survey. I. Catalogs | Yu Bai, JiFeng Liu , James Wicker , Song Wang, JinCheng Guo,et al. | ApJS | 235 | 16 | 2018 | Bai_2018_ApJS_235_16.pdf![]() |
185 | The LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area (LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap. I. The Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog
Ming Yang,Hong Wu, Fan Yang, Man I Lam
ApJS | 234 | 5 | 2018 | Yang_2018_ApJS_234_5.pdf![]() |
186 | White dwarf-main sequence binaries from LAMOST: the DR5 catalogue
J.-J. Ren, A. Rebassa-Mansergas, S. G. Parsons,et al. |
MNRAS | 477 | 4641 | 2018 | renjuanjuan-MNRAS-2018.pdf![]() |
187 | Misclassified B Stars in the Kepler Field | Chunguang Zhang, Chao Liu, Yue Wu, et al. | APJ | 854 | 168 | 2018 | Zhang_2018_ApJ_854_168.pdf![]() |
188 | Stellar activity with LAMOST – II. Chromospheric activity in open clusters | Xiang-Song Fang,Gang Zhao, Jing-Kun Zhao and Yerra Bharat Kumar , et al. | MNRAS | 476 | 908 | 2018 | Fang-MNRAS-2018-476-908.pdf![]() |
189 | The Pristine survey – I. Mining the Galaxy for the most metal-poor stars | Else Starkenburg,Nicolas Martin, Kris Youakim, et al. | MNRAS | 471 | 2587 | 2018 | Else Starkenburg-MNRAS-2018-471-2587.pdf![]() |
190 | LAMOST views δ Scuti pulsating stars
S.-B. Qian,L.-J. Li, J.-J. He, J. Zhang.etal. | MNRAS | 475 | 478 | 2018 | S.-B Qian-MNRAS-475-478.pdf![]() |
192 | Enormous Li Enhancement Preceding Red Giant Phases in Low-mass Stars in the Milky Way Halo |
Li, Haining, Aoki, Wako, et al. |
ApJL | 852 | 2 | 2018 | Li_2018_ApJL_852_L31.pdf![]() |
193 | LAMOST CCD camera-control system based on RTS2
Tian, Yuan; Wang, Zheng; Li, al. |
RAA | 18 | 54 | 2018 | Yuan Tian-2018-RAA.pdf![]() |
194 |
Chromospheric activity of periodic variable stars (including eclipsing binaries) observed in DR2 LAMOST stellar spectral survey |
Liyun Zhang .et al. | New Astronomy | 61 | 36 | 2018 | zhangliyun-New Astronomy-2018.pdf![]() |
195 | The selection function of the LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anti-centre | B.-Q. Chen, X.-W. Liu,H.-B. Yuan,M.-S. Xiang | MNRAS | 476 | 3278 | 2018 | B-Q chen-MNRAS-2018.pdf![]() |
196 | Mass and age of red giant branch stars observed with LAMOST and Kepler | Yaqian Wu,Maosheng Xiang, Shaolan Bi,Xiaowei Liu | MNRAS | 475 | 3633 | 2018 | yaqian Wu-2018-MNRAS.pdf![]() |
197 | The age–velocity dispersion relation of the Galacticdiscs from LAMOST–Gaia data | Jincheng Yu, Chao Liu
MNRAS | 475 | 1093 | 2018 | Jincheng Yu-2018-MNRAS.pdf![]() |
198 | The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from Data Release Two and Three |
X. Y. Dong, Xue-Bing Wu, Y. L. Ai. et al. | AJ | 155 | 189 | 2018 | Dong_2018_AJ_155_189.pdf![]() |
199 | Evidence for accreted component in the Galactic discs | Q. F. Xing and G. Zhao | MNRAS | 476 | 5388 | 2018 | Q.F.Xing-MNRAS-2018.pdf![]() |
200 | Mass and age of red giant branch stars observed with LAMOST and Kepler | Yaqian Wu, Maosheng Xiang, Shaolan Bi
MNRAS | 475 | 3633 | 2018 | wuyaqian-MNRAS.pdf![]() |
201 | A Large and Pristine Sample of Standard Candles across the Milky Way: ∼100,000 Red Clump Stars with 3% Contamination | Yuan-Sen Ting, Keith Hawkins,and Hans-Walter Rix | ApJL | 858 | L7 | 2018 | Ting_2018_ApJL_858_L7.pdf![]() |
202 | 3D Asymmetrical motions of the Galactic outer disc with LAMOST K giant stars
Haifeng Wang,Mart´ın Lopez-Corredoira | MNRAS | 477 | 2858 | 2018 | HaiFeng Wang-MNRAS(2018).pdf![]() |
203 | The Distance to and the Near-infrared Extinction of the Monoceros Supernova Remnant | He Zhao , Biwei Jiang , Shuang Gao | ApJ | 855 | 12 | 2018 | Zhao_2018_ApJ_855_12.pdf![]() |
204 | Research Progresses of Halo Streams in the Solar Neighborhood | LIANG Xi-long, ZHAO Jing-kun
Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics | 42 | 1 | 2018 | liangxilong-Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics.pdf![]() |
205 | Disk stars in the Milky Way detected beyond 25 kpc from its center
M. López-Corredoira, C. Allende Prieto, F. Garzón, H. Wang, C. Liu, and L. Deng.
AA | 612 | L8 | 2018 | aa-32880-18.pdf![]() |
206 | About 30% of Sun-like Stars Have Kepler-like Planetary Systems: A Study of Their Intrinsic Architecture
Wei Zhu, Cristobal Petrovich, Yanqin Wu, Subo Dong, and Jiwei Xie | ApJ | 860 | 101 | 2018 | Zhu_2018_ApJ_860_101.pdf![]() |
207 | Mapping the Milky Way with LAMOST – III. Complicated spatial structure in the outer disc | Hai-Feng Wang, Chao Liu, Yan Xu, Jun-Chen Wan and Licai Deng
MNRAS | 478 | 3367 | 2018 | Haifeng Wang-MNRAS-2018.pdf![]() |
208 | The empirical Gaia G-band extinction coefficient | C. Danielski, C. Babusiaux, L. Ruiz-Dern, P. Sartoretti, and F. Arenou
A&A | 614 | A19 | 2018 | C.Danielski-aa-32327-17.pdf![]() |
209 | Clustering analysis of line indices for LAMOST spectra with AstroStat | Shu-Xin Chen,Wei-Min Sun and Qi Yan | RAA | 18 | 6 | 2018 | Chen_2018_Res._Astron._Astrophys._18_073.pdf![]() |
210 | On the discovery of K-enhanced and possibly Mg-depleted stars throughout the Milky Way
Alex J. Kemp,Andrew R. Casey et al. | MNRAS | 480 | 1384 | 2018 | Alex J. Kemp-MNRAS-2018.pdf![]() |
211 | Revisiting hypervelocity stars after Gaia DR2
D. Boubert, J. Guillochon, K. Hawkins,et al. | MNRAS | 479 | 2789 | 2018 | D.Boubert-MNRAS(2018).pdf![]() |
212 | Metallicity and Kinematics of the Galactic Halo from the LAMOST Sample Stars | Shuai Liu, Cuihua Du, Heidi Jo Newberg | ApJ | 862 | 163 | 2018 | Liu_2018_ApJ_862_163.pdf![]() |
213 | Stellar Mass Distribution and Star Formation History of the Galactic Disk Revealed by Mono-age Stellar Populations from LAMOST
Maosheng Xiang, Jianrong Shi1, Xiaowei Liu, Haibo Yuan,et al. | ApJS | 237 | 33 | 2018 | Xiang_2018_ApJS_237_33.pdf![]() |
214 | A New Catalog of Radial Velocity Standard Stars from the APOGEE Data | Y. Huang , X.-W. Liu, B.-Q. Chen,et al. | AJ | 156 | 90 | 2018 | Huang_2018_AJ_156_90.pdf![]() |
215 | Photospheric and chromospheric activity of the short period X-ray and Algol eclipsing binary UX CrB | Li-Yun Zhang | ApSS | 363 | 174 | 2018 | Zhang2018_Article_PhotosphericAndChromosphericAc.pdf![]() |
216 | StarGO: A New Method to Identify the Galactic Origins of Halo Stars | Zhen Yuan, Jiang Chang, Projjwal Banerjee, Jiaxin Han et al. | ApJ | 863 | 26 | 2018 | Yuan_2018_ApJ_863_26.pdf![]() |
217 | A New Hyper-runaway Star Discovered from LAMOST and Gaia: Ejected Almost in the Galactic Rotation Direction
Yin-Bi Li, A-Li Luo, Gang Zhao, You-Jun Lu,et al. |
AJ | 156 | 87 | 2018 | Li_2018_AJ_156_87.pdf![]() |
218 | New Oe Stars in LAMOST DR5 | Guang-Wei Li , Jian-Rong Shi, Brian Yanny,et al. | ApJ | 863 | 70 | 2018 | Liguangwei_2018_ApJ_863_70.pdf![]() |
219 | Discovery of 21 New Changing-look AGNs in the Northern Sky | Qian Yang , Xue-Bing Wu , Xiaohui Fan,et al. | ApJ | 862 | 109 | 2018 | Yang_2018_ApJ_862_109.pdf![]() |
220 | Super lithium-rich K giant with low 12C to 13C ratio | Y. T. Zhou, J. R. Shi, H. L. Yan,et al. | A&A | 615 | A74 | 2018 | zhouyutao-AA-615-74-2018.pdf![]() |
221 | Time Stamps of Vertical Phase Mixing in the Galactic Disk from LAMOST/Gaia Stars | Hai-Jun Tian , Chao Liu, Yue Wu, et al. | ApJL | 865 | L19 | 2018 | Tian_2018_ApJL_865_L19.pdf![]() |
222 | The High-velocity Stars in the Local Stellar Halo from Gaia and LAMOST | Cuihua Du, Hefan Li, Shuai Liu,et al. | ApJ | 863 | 87 | 2018 | Du_2018_ApJ_863_87.pdf![]() |
223 | The nature of the lithium enrichment in the most Li-rich giant star | Hong-Liang Yan, Jian-Rong Shi , Yu-Tao Zhou,et al.
Nature astronomy
2018 | Yan et al 2018 arXiv.pdf![]() |
224 | On the Kinematic Signature of the Galactic Warp As Revealed By the LAMOST TGAS Data | Y. Huang, R. Schönrich, X.-W. Liu, et al. | ApJ | 864 | 129 | 2018 | Huang_2018_ApJ_864_129.pdf![]() |
225 | A Catalog of 10,000 Very Metal-poor Stars from LAMOST DR3 | Haining Li, Kefeng Tan , and Gang Zhao
ApJS | 238 | 16 | 2018 | Li_2018_ApJS_238_16.pdf![]() |
226 | Spectroscopic Identification and Chemical Distribution of HII Regions in the Galactic Anti-center Area from LAMOST | Li-Li Wang, A-Li Luo, Wen Hou,et al.
PASP | 130 | 114301 | 2018 | Wang_2018_PASP_130_114301.pdf![]() |
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