The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is a Chinese national scientific research facility operated by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is a special reflecting Schmidt telescope with 4000 fibers in a field of view of 20 deg2 in the sky. Since October 2018, LAMOST started the second stage survey program (LAMOST II), which contains both low- and medium-resolution spectroscopic surveys. LAMOST II takes about 50% nights (dark/gray nights) to continue the previous low-resolution spectroscopic survey, and another 50% nights (bright/gray nights) to conduct the medium-resolution survey (MRS)[1]. For LAMOST MRS, it includes two surveys, i.e., the time-domain and the non time-domain surveys. The main purpose of the time-domain survey is to investigate variable targets, which were repeatedly observed in several observation nights, but targets of the non time-domain survey were observed only in one night in general.
This time, 23,589,267 single exposure spectra and 6,433,719 coadded spectra were obtained, which were written into 3,274,849 FITS files. For objects close to the moon, spectra may be affected by the moon, thus targets with the angular distances to the moon less than 10 degrees were not observed. For the non time-domain survey, there are totally 1,846,438 coadded spectra published, and for the time-domain survey, 6,412,924 single exposure spectra were released. The data products of this data release can be available from the website, and they include:
1. Spectra. - For a target of MRS, we can get two spectra within an exposure, including a blue (B) and a red (R) band spectrum, with their wavelength ranges [4950 Å, 5350 Å] and [6300 Å, 6800 Å], respectively, and these spectra have been sky-subtracted and wavelength-calibrated. Generally, each object was observed several times, and we would obtain the coadded B and R band spectra by combing the single exposure spectra. Few targets, however, lack of the spectral data of either band for some reason like the wavelength calibration, only one even no coadded spectra exists in their FITS file. For single exposure and coadd spectra, they both have a resolution of 7500 respectively at 5163 Å (blue) and 6593 Å (red).
2. Spectroscopic Parameter Catalogs. - In this data release, five spectroscopic parameter catalogs are published, and they are the LAMOST MRS General Catalog, the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog, the LAMOST MRS Multiple Epoch Catalog, the LAMOST MRS Observed Plate Information Catalog, and the LAMOST MRS Input Catalog, respectively. More than a hundred parameters are included in these catalogs, such as right ascension, declination, signal to noise ratio (S/N), Gaia source identifier and magnitudes, atmospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity), radial velocity, element abundance, and dome seeing.
In the following section 2, we introduce the released FITS file in detail, and present four parameter catalogs in section 3.
In this data release, 3,274,849 FITS files are published on-line which include 23,589,267 single exposure spectra and 6,433,719 coadded spectra, and they are named in the form of “med-MMMMM-YYYY_spXX-FFF.fits”. “MMMMM”, “YYYY”, “XX”, and “FFF” represent the local modified Julian day (LMJD), which is a non-negative integer, the plan identity string (PLANID), the spectrograph identity number which is between 1 and 16, and the fiber identity number which is in the range of 1 to 250, respectively.
For each of LAMOST targets, it has m (m <= n) B band and t (t <= n) R band single exposure spectra if it has n time exposures. If m and t are all larger than 0, the target has a B band and a R band coadded spectra, but no coadded spectrum is provided in the FITS file if at least one of m and n is equal to 0.
In a LAMOST median resolution (MR) FITS file, extension 0 is the primary HDU which is not followed by a primary data array, and extension 1 and 2 restore the coadded B and R band spectra, respectively. For extensions from 3 to m + 2, they save the information of m B band spectra obtained within n time exposures, and they are named as “B-lmjm”, where “lmjm” is the local modified Julian minutes at the beginning of each exposure. For following extensions from m+3 to m+t+2, t R band spectra of n time exposures are stored, and they are called as “R-lmjm”.
In following section 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5, we introduce the primary extension, extension 1 and 2, and other single exposure extensions.
In this section, we describe the primary extension. Not like the low resolution FITS file, this extension of MR FITS file only has a file header, and it do not have following data array.
In the header file, we divided keywords into seven groups, and they are mandatory keywords, file information keywords, telescope parameter keywords, observation parameter keywords, spectrograph parameter keywords, weather condition keywords, and data reduction parameters keywords, respectively. We will explain keywords of each group from subsection 2.3.1 to 2.3.7.
Mandatory keywords are required in every Header Data Unit (HDU), and their value must be written in fixed format.
SIMPLE = T /Primary Header created by MWRFITS v1.11b
BITPIX = 16 /
NAXIS = 0 /
EXTEND = T /Extensions may be present
Keyword --- It is required to be the first keyword in the primary header of all FITS file. The value field shall contain a logical constant with the value T if the file conforms to this standard. This keyword is mandatory for the primary header and is not permitted in extension headers. A value of F signifies that the file does not conform to this standard.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer, and it shall specify the number of bits that represent a data value. A value of -32 represents IEEE single precision floating point.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative integer no greater than 999, representing the number of axes in the associated data array. A value of zero signifies that no data follow the header in the HDU.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a logical value indicating whether the FITS file is allowed to contain conforming extensions following the primary HDU. This keyword may only appear in the primary header and must not appear in an extension header. If the value field is T then there may be conforming extensions in the FITS file following the primary HDU. This keyword is only advisory, so its presence with a value T does not require that the FITS file contains extensions, nor does the absence of this keyword necessarily imply that the file does not contain extensions.
FILENAME= 'med-58120-NGC228101_sp08-178.fits' /
OBSID = 624608178 / Unique number ID of this spectrum
AUTHOR = 'LAMOST Pipeline' / Who compiled the information
DATA_V = 'LAMOST DR9' / Data release version
N_EXTEN = 9 / The extension number
EXTNAME = 'Information' / The extension name
ORIGIN = 'NAOC-LAMOST' / Organization responsible for creating this file
DATE = '2020-02-19T12:54:18' / Time when this HDU is created (UTC)
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the name of this FITS file. Take the “med-58120-NGC228101_sp08-178.fits” as an example. “58120” is the local modified Julian day, “NGC228101_sp08” is the plan ID, “sp08” is the spectrograph ID, and “178” is the Fiber ID.
Keyword --- The value field shall be a non-negative integer giving the number ID of this spectrum.
Keyword --- This keyword contains a string constant “LAMOST Pipline”, which represents the author who produce this file.
Keyword --- This keyword contains a string constant, which represents the data release version.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer giving the extension number of a FITS file.
Keyword --- This keyword contains a character string to be used to distinguish among different extensions of the same type in a FITS file. Within this context, the primary array should be considered as equivalent to an IMAGE extension.
Keyword --- This ORIGIN keyword contains a string constant “NAOC-LAMOST”, which indicates the Organization responsible for this FITS file. “NAOC” represents the abbreviation of National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the UTC time when this FITS file is created.
TELESCOP= 'LAMOST ' / GuoShouJing Telescope
LONGITUD= 117.58 / [deg] Longitude of site
LATITUDE= 40.39 / [deg] Latitude of site
FOCUS = 19964 / [mm] Telescope focus
CAMPRO = 'NEWCAM ' / Camera program name
CAMVER = 'v2.0 ' / Camera program version
Keyword --- This keyword contains a string constant “LAMOST” giving the name of our telescope.
Keyword --- The keyword contains a floating-point constant, which provide the longitude of Xinglong station where LAMOST is mounted on.
Keyword --- The keyword contains a floating-point constant, which provide the latitude of Xinglong station.
Keyword --- The FOCUS keyword gives the telescope focus, and its unit is millimeter.
Keyword --- The value field contain a string constant “NEWCAM”, which shows the name of camera.
Keyword --- The value field contain a character string, which gives the present camera program version.
DATE -OBS= '2018-01-01T15:21:00' / The observation median UTC DATE-BEG= '2018-01-01T23:03:26.0' / The observation start local time DATE-END= '2018-01-01T23:40:15.0' / The observation end local time LMJD = 58120 / Local Modified Julian Day MJD = 58119 / Modified Julian Day PLANID = 'NGC228101' / Plan ID in use RA = 103.398334 / [deg] Right ascension of object DEC = 40.626064 / [deg] Declination of object RA_OBS = 103.398334 / [deg] Right ascension during observing DEC_OBS = 40.626064 / [deg] Declination during observing OFFSET = F / Whether there's a offset during observing OFFSET_V= 0.00 / Offset value in arcsecond GL = 175.724039 / [deg] Galactic longitude of object GB = 17.653158 / [deg] Galactic latitude of object DESIG = 'LAMOST J065335.60+403733.8' / Designation of LAMOST target FIBERID = 178 / Fiber ID of Object CELL_ID = 'F2217 ' / Fiber Unit ID on the focal plane X_VALUE = -191.336 / [mm] X coordinate of object on the focal plane Y_VALUE = 398.645 / [mm] Y coordinate of object on the focal plane OBJNAME = 'UCAC4_654-044946' / Name of object OBJTYPE = 'STAR ' / Object type from input catalog TSOURCE = 'LAMOST ' / Name of input catalog TCOMMENT= ' ' / Target information TFROM = ' ' / Target catalog FIB_TYPE= 'Obj ' / Fiber type of object FIB_MASK= 0 / Bitmask of warning values, 0 means good MAG_PS_G= 13.47 / [mag] Magnitude of object MAG_PS_R= 12.95 / [mag] Magnitude of object MAG_PS_I= 12.75 / [mag] Magnitude of object MAG_PS_Z= 99.00 / [mag] Magnitude of object MAG_PS_Y= 99.00 / [mag] Magnitude of object OBS_TYPE= 'OBJ ' / The type of target (OBJ, FLAT, ARC or BIAS) OBSCOMM = 'Science ' / Science or Test RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Equatorial coordinate system EQUINOX = 2000.00 / Equinox in years SKYLIST = 'skylines.dat' / Sky emission line list NEXP_B = 3 / Number of valid blue exposures COMBIN_B= T / Whether the combined data of B band exists NEXP_R = 3 / Number of valid red exposures COMBIN_R= T / Whether the combined data of R band exists SCAMEAN = 41.53 / [ADU] Mean level of scatter light
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which gives the median moment UTC of multiple exposures.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the observation start Beijing Time.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which provide the observation end Beijing Time.
Keyword --- The value field shall a non-negative integer giving the local modified Julian day.
Keyword --- The value field shall be a non-negative integer giving the modified Julian day.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string providing the plan name of the target.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative real floating-point number, which gives the right ascension of target from the input catalog.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number, which gives the declination of target from the input catalog.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative real floating-point number, which gives the pointing right ascension of target during observation.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative real floating-point number, which gives the pointing declination of target during observation.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a boolean value (T or F), which indicates if there is a fiber-offset for the target. The fiber-offset usually applied for the very bright stars (r<11) to avoid CCD saturation.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number giving the offset value in unit of arcsec.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number, which gives the galactic longitude of target.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number, which gives the galactic latitude of target.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which indicates the name of LAMOST target. Like the name of SDSS target, numbers after the character “J” and before “+” represents RA in unit of HMS, and numbers after the character “+” are DEC in unit of DMS.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative integer between 1 and 250, which shows the fiber ID and shall be used together with the spectrograph ID.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which gives the fiber unit ID on the focal plane. LAMOST focal plane is divided into four quadrant named “EFGH” respectively, the first character of this keyword represents the quadrant number, the first two numbers after the first character is the row number in this quadrant, and the next two numbers is the column numbers.
Keywords --- The value field shall contain two real floating-point numbers, which give X and Y coordinates of target on the focal plane.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain character string, giving the name ID of object that determined by the RA, DEC and HTM method.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the class of objects in input catalogs.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string which shows the name of organization or person who submit input catalog.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string which shows the target ID from SDSS, UCAC4, Pan-STARRS and other catalogues.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string which shows input catalog submitted by an organization or a person determined by the TSOURCE.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, giving the type of fiber assigned to this target. This keyword has six values, i.e., Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr and Dead. Obj means the fiber is assigned to an object, including star, galaxy and so on. Sky indicates that the fiber is allocated to take skylight. F-std shows the fiber is used to take the light of a flux calibration standard star. Unused, PosErr and Dead mean the unused fiber, a wrong fiber position, or out of commission respectively.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer, which is used to show the problems of fibers. If you want to know the exact problem of a fiber, you should first convert the decimal value of “FIB_MASK” to a nine-bit binary number, which is shown in table 1. If the value of a bit is 1, it represents the fiber has associated problem, and the following table 2 lists the associated fiber problem of each bit.
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Bit |
Problem |
Comment |
1 |
Fiber not allotted |
2 |
Bad trace from the routine TRACECENTER |
3 |
Low counts in flat field |
4 |
Bad arc solution |
5 |
>10% pixels are bad on CCD |
6 |
>10% pixels are saturated |
7 |
Whopping fiber |
8 |
Near a whopping fiber |
9 |
Sky fiber shows extreme residuals |
, and MAG_PS_Y
Keywords --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number between 0 and 100, giving the Pan-STARRS g/r/i/z/y band magnitudes.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the type of observation targets, which include object, flat, bias and arc lamp.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string constant representing the observation purposes , which includes observations used for science researches and kinds of tests.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the equatorial coordinate system based on the J2000 position.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number giving the standard epoch used at present.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the file name of sky emission line list, which is used in the process of sky subtraction.
and NEXP_R
Keywords --- The value field of the two keywords shall contain two non-negative integers, which provide numbers of valid blue and red exposures respectively.
Keywords --- The value field shall contain a boolean value (T or F), which indicates whether the coadded B or R band spectrum exists.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point giving the mean level of scatter light, which is the average flux of regions where there is no fiber and is at the left and right edge of a two dimension spectra image.
SPID = 8 / Spectrograph ID
SPRA = 103.7905998 / [deg] Average RA of this spectrograph
SPDEC = 41.0968508 / [deg] Average DEC of this spectrograph
SLIT_MOD= 'x2/3 ' / Slit mode, x1, x2/3 or x1/2
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative integer numbers between 1 and 16, which provides the spectrograph ID.
Keywords --- The value field of these two keywords shall contain two real floating-point numbers, which are the averages of RA and DEC of all objects in each spectrograph.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string of “x2/3”, which gives the slit mode and responds spectra resolution of 7500 respectively at 5163 Å (blue) and 6593 Å (red).
SEEING = 2.68 / [arcsec] Seeing during exposure
MOONPHA = 14.86 / [day] Moon phase for a 29.53 days period
TEMP_AIR= -6.88 / [deg] Temperature outside dome
TEMP_FP = -1.90 / [degree celsius] Temprature of the focalplane
DEWPOINT= -22.54 / [deg]
DUST = ' ' / Reservation
HUMIDITY= 27.43 /
WINDD = 130.34 / [deg] Wind direction
WINDS = 0.32 / [m/s] Wind speed
SKYLEVEL= ' ' / Reservation
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number giving seeing during exposure, which is calculated by manually measuring the full width at half maximum of guide star image.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number giving the moon phase.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number giving the temperature outside dome, which is measured by automatic weather instrument. The unit “degree” represents centigrade degree.
Keyword ---The value field shall contain a real floating-point number giving the temperature of focal plane, which is measured by automatic weather instrument. The unit “degree” represents centigrade degree.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number giving the dew-point temperature, which is also measured by the automatic weather instrument. The unit “degree” represents centigrade degree.
Keyword --- The value of this keyword is temporarily empty at present, because the dust measuring instrument is now in debugging, and we will write this parameter into fits header when problems are resolved.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number between 0 and 1, which gives humidity in the air.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number which records the instantaneous wind direction when start exposure, and the direction of north is the 0 degree wind direction.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point number which records the instantaneous wind speed when start exposure, and wind direction and speed are also measured also by the automatic weather instrument.
Keyword --- This keyword is NULL now, because the instrument is debugging.
EXTRACT = 'aperture' / Extraction method SFLATTEN= T / Super flat has been applied PCASKYSB= T / PCA sky-subtraction has been applied NSKIES = 34 / Sky fiber number SKYCHI2 = 3.4 / Mean chi^2 of sky-subtraction HELIO = T / Heliocentric correction HELIO_RV= -0.07809 / [km/s] Heliocentric correction VACUUM = T / Wavelengths are in vacuum
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which indicates the method of spectrum extraction. In LAMOST spectra reduction pipeline, only the aperture method is applied to spectra extraction.
Keyword --- The value of this keyword shall be boolean, which represents whether or not use the super flat. In LAMOST spectra reduction pipeline, super flat is used to make the fiber-to-fiber relative efficiency around 1.
Keyword --- The value of this keyword shall be boolean, which represents whether or not use the PCA method to subtract sky light. In LAMOST spectra reduction pipeline, the PCA method is used to subtract sky light at the wavelength range larger than 7200 Å.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer, which shows the number of sky fiber in a spectrograph.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point, which gives the mean chi-square of sky-subtraction. In the process of LAMOST spectra reduction, super sky is obtained by spline fitting m sky spectra. And thus, the chi-square between the super sky and each sky spectra in an exposure, and the average chi-square of m sky spectra can also be able to obtain. Assuming n times exposures, there will be 2n average chi-square because of n blue spectra and n red spectra, and this keyword will be evaluated by calculating the mean value of these 2n average chi-squares.
Keyword --- The value of this keyword shall be boolean, which represents whether or not to perform the heliocentric correction.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a real floating-point, which gives the radial velocity used to carry out the heliocentric correction.
Keyword --- The value of this keyword shall be boolean, which represents whether or not the LAMOST spectra is converted to vacuum wavelength.
If a LAMOST target has coadded B and R band spectra, the extension 1 and 2 provide the information of their coadded spectra, otherwise the two extension do not have the data array as the primary extension.
In this section, we only introduce extension 1 and 2 for targets which have the coadded spectra. Following sub-section 2.4.1 will introduce each keyword in the header file, and the data array will be presented in the sub-section 2.4.2.
In this sub-section, we introduce each keyword in the header file of extension 1 and 2, and all keywords are shown as follows.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Binary table written by MWRFITS v1.11b BITPIX = 8 /Required value NAXIS = 2 /Required value NAXIS1 = 16 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 3760 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays) GCOUNT = 1 /Required value TFIELDS = 5 /Number of columns in table EXTNAME = 'COADD_B ' / The extension name LMJMLIST= '83692743-83692756-83692770' / Local Modified Julian Minute list DATE-OBS= '2018-01-01T15:21:00' / The observation median UTC DATE-BEG= '2018-01-01T23:03:26.0' / The observation start local time DATE-END= '2018-01-01T23:40:15.0' / The observation end local time LAMPLIST= 'lampsc_med.dat' / Arc lamp emission line list SNR = 36.93 / Signal to noise ratio TTYPE1 = 'FLUX ' / TTYPE2 = 'IVAR ' / TTYPE3 = 'WAVELENGTH' / TTYPE4 = 'ANDMASK ' / TTYPE5 = 'ORMASK ' / TTYPE6 = 'NORMALIZATION' / TFORM1 = 'E ' / TFORM2 = 'E ' / TFORM3 = 'E ' / TFORM4 = 'I ' / TFORM5 = 'I ' / TFORM6 = 'E ' /
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the name of the extension type. This keyword is mandatory for an extension header and must not appear in the primary header.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer, and it shall specify the number of bits that represent a data value. A value of -32 represents IEEE single precision floating point.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative integer no greater than 999, representing the number of axes in the associated data array. A value of zero signifies that no data follow the header in the HDU.
and NAXIS2
Keywords --- The value field of these two indexed keywords shall contain a non-negative integer, representing the number of elements along axis n of a data array. NAXIS2 is the row number of extension 1, and NAXIS1 is the byte number of each row.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure. In IMAGE and TABLE extensions this keyword must have the value 0; in BINTABLE extensions, it is used to specify the number of bytes that follow the main data table in the supplemental data area called the heap.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure. This keyword must have the value 1 in the IMAGE, TABLE and BINTABLE standard extensions.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative integer representing the number of fields in each row. The maximum permissible value is 999.
Keyword --- This keyword contains a character string to be used to distinguish among different extensions of the same type in A FITS file. Within this context, the primary array should be considered as equivalent to an IMAGE extension.
Keyword --- This keyword contains a character string to show local modified Julian Minutes (LMJM) of N exposures. For each LMJMLISi (i = 0,2,…n-1), it includes the LMJM of three exposures at most. If the number of exposures (N) is larger than three, then n can be obtained with the equation of n = floor(N / 3) + 1, where floor represents round down. When N is less than three, the only LMJMLIS0 keyword will be renamed as the “LMJMLIST”.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which gives the median moment UTC of multiple exposures.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the observation start Beijing Time.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which provide the observation end Beijing Time.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the file name of arc lamp emission line list, which is used in the process of wavelength calibration.
Keyword --- The value field for this keyword shall contain a real floating-point, which is the median of S/Ns of all pixels. The S/N of each pixel is calculated by the equation of flux * (inverse variance) ^ 0.5.
Keywords --- These keywords are of string type, providing the names of the ith (i = 1, 2, 3, ... n) column in the extension data array.
Keywords --- These keywords are string types, used to describe the data type of the ith (i = 1, 2, 3, ... n) column in the extension data array.
The data array of extension 1 and 2 have five columns, and table 3 explains the data in each column.
Column Number |
Data |
Type |
5 |
Ormask |
float |
4 |
Andmask |
float |
3 |
WaveLength |
float |
2 |
Inverse Variance |
float |
1 |
Flux |
float |
The data array of extension 1 and 2 in LAMOST MR FITS file is shown in table 3. The first column is flux, the second column stores the “inverse variance” of the uncertainties (one over sigma-squared), which can be used to estimate S/N of each pixel (flux * (inverse variance) ^ 0.5), and the third column stores wavelength in unit of Å. The “andmask” information in fourth column is a decimal integer determined by a six-bit binary number shown in table 4, which represents six situations respectively listed in table 5, and the associated bit of “andmask” will be set to 1 if the case always appears in each exposure. Like the “andmask”, the “ormask” information in fifth column is also a decimal integer determined by a six-bit binary number. The difference is that each bit of “ormask” will be set to 1 if the related case happens in any exposure.
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Bit |
Keyword |
Comments |
1 |
bad pixel on CCD |
2 |
bad profile in extraction |
3 |
no sky information at this wavelength |
4 |
sky level too high |
5 |
fiber trace out of the CCD |
6 |
no good data |
If you want to check which case in table 5 has happened in the spectrum reduction process, you can firstly convert the decimal “Andmask” or “Ormask” to a six-bit binary number. Then, a case must has happened in each exposure if associated bit is 1 in binary “Andmask”, and a case must has happened at least one time if associated bit is 1 in binary “Ormask”.
In this section, we introduce the single exposure extensions. In the title of this section, N is the total number of extensions which can be obtained from the keyword “N_EXTEN” in the header of primary extension. Assuming the target has n B band and n R band single exposure spectra, N is equal to 2n + 3.
In the following sub-section, we introduce each keyword in the header file, and the structure of data array.
In this sub-section, all keywords in the header are shown as follows, and they are explained in detail.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Binary table written by MWRFITS v1.11b BITPIX = 8 /Required value NAXIS = 2 /Required value NAXIS1 = 14 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 4136 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays) GCOUNT = 1 /Required value TFIELDS = 4 /Number of columns in table EXTNAME = 'R-83692756' / The extension name DATE-OBS= '2018-01-01T15:21:00' / The observation median UTC DATE-BEG= '2018-01-01T23:16:48.0' / The observation start local time DATE-END= '2018-01-01T23:26:48.0' / The observation end local time LMJM = '83692756' / Local Modified Julian Minute EXPTIME = 600 / [s] Exposure duration time SNR = 28.58 / Signal to noise ratio LAMPLIST= 'lampsc_med.dat' / Arc lamp emission line list TTYPE1 = 'FLUX ' / TTYPE2 = 'IVAR ' / TTYPE3 = 'WAVELENGTH' / TTYPE4 = 'PIXMASK ' / TTYPE5 = 'NORMALIZATION' / TFORM1 = 'E ' / TFORM2 = 'E ' / TFORM3 = 'E ' / TFORM4 = 'I ' / TFORM5 = 'E ' /
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the name of the extension type. This keyword is mandatory for an extension header and must not appear in the primary header.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer, and it shall specify the number of bits that represent a data value. A value of -32 represents IEEE single precision floating point.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative integer no greater than 999, representing the number of axes in the associated data array. A value of zero signifies that no data follow the header in the HDU.
and NAXIS2
Keywords --- The value field of these two indexed keywords shall contain a non-negative integer, representing the number of elements along axis n of a data array. NAXIS2 is the row number of extension 1, and NAXIS1 is the byte number of each row.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure. In IMAGE and TABLE extensions this keyword must have the value 0; in BINTABLE extensions, it is used to specify the number of bytes that follow the main data table in the supplemental data area called the heap.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain an integer that shall be used in any way appropriate to define the data structure. This keyword must have the value 1 in the IMAGE, TABLE and BINTABLE standard extensions.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a non-negative integer representing the number of fields in each row. The maximum permissible value is 999.
Keyword --- This keyword contains a character string to be used to distinguish among different extensions of the same type in a FITS file. Within this context, the primary array should be considered as equivalent to an IMAGE extension.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which gives the median moment UTC of multiple exposures.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the observation start Beijing Time.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string, which provide the observation end Beijing Time.
Keyword --- This keyword contains a character string to show the local modified Julian Minute at the start of exposure.
Keyword --- The value field for this keyword shall contain a real floating-point, which gives the exposure duration time.
Keyword --- The value field for this keyword shall contain a real floating-point, which is the median of S/Ns of all pixels. The S/N of each pixel is calculated by the equation of flux * (inverse variance) ^ 0.5.
Keyword --- The value field shall contain a character string giving the file name of arc lamp emission line list, which is used in the process of wavelength calibration.
Keywords --- These keywords are of string type, providing the names of the ith (i = 1, 2, 3, ... n) column in the extension data array.
Keywords --- These keywords are string types, used to describe the data type of the ith (i = 1, 2, 3, ... n) column in the extension data array.
In this sub-section, we describe the data array of single exposure extensions, and it is shown in table 6. Like the data array of extension 1 and 2, they are flux, inverse variance, and wavelength in unit of Å from the first to third column. The different is that the data array of single exposure only has four columns, and the fourth column is the “Pixmask”, which is a decimal integer determined by a six-bit binary number. As the “Andmask” and “Ormask”, each bit of the “Pixmask” represents each issues of each pixel listed in table 5, and it will be 1 if the problem happens.
Column Number |
Data |
Type |
4 |
Pixmask |
float |
3 |
WaveLength |
float |
2 |
Inverse Variance |
float |
1 |
Flux |
float |
In this section, we introduce five LAMOST MRS catalogs, which can be available from the website of, and they are the LAMOST MRS General Catalog, the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog, the LAMOST MRS Multiple Epoch Catalog, the LAMOST MRS Observed Plate Information Catalog, and the LAMOST MRS Input Catalog, respectively.
This time, targets with angular distances to the moon larger than 10 degrees were not observed, and there are three fields related to the angular distances to the moon in the LAMOST MRS General Catalog and the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog, which are “moon_angle”, “lunardate”, and “moon_flg” respectively. “moon_angle” represents the angular distance of each target to the moon, and “moon_flg” is a flag for it. “moon_flg” has two values of 0 and 1, which represent the range of angular distance. If “moon_flg” equals to 1, it indicates that angular distance is in the range of [10 degree, 30 degree], and it represents that the angular distance is larger than 30 degree when “moon_flg” equals to 0. In addition, “lunardate” is the date of Chinese lunar calendar, which represents the moon phase, and it has values from 1 to 30.
LAMOST targets were cross-matched with Gaia DR3, their Gaia source identifiers, i.e., the “source_id” fields, Gaia G, BP and RP magnitudes, i.e., the “phot_g_mean_mag”, “phot_bp_mean_mag”, and “phot_rp_mean_mag” fields, were included in the LAMOST MRS General Catalog and the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog, and they were marked as “gaia_source_id”, “gaia_g_mean_mag”, “gaia_bp_mean_mag”, and “gaia_rp_mean_mag”, respectively.
The following table 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 separately show all fields of the four catalogs, and provide clear comment for each field. Most fields of these tables are explained in detail in sub-section 2.3, and we only introduce the fields which are not introduced in previous sections.
In this sub-section, we present the LAMOST MRS General Catalog, which includes 52 parameters for 23,589,267 single exposure spectra and 6,433,719 coadded spectra in this table. All fields of this catalog are listed in table 7, most of them are explained in section 2.3 in detail, and we only introduce fields not mentioned above.
In this table and the following LAMOST MRS Parameter catalog, there are two unique spectrum IDs, and they are “mobsid” and “obsid”, respectively. The “mobsid” field is the unique ID for each medium-resolution spectrum, and the “obsid” field is the unique spectrum ID for each observation of each target.
We artificially add offsets to the equatorial coordinates of input catalog to prevent saturation for a fraction of luminous stars during observation. Thus, four fields were added in this and other two catalogs (the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog and LAMOST MRS Input Catalog), and they are “ra_obs”, “dec_obs”, “offsets” and “offsets_v” respectively. The “ra_obs” and “dec_obs” are fiber pointing right ascension and declination during observation, and the “ra” and “dec” are the equatorial coordinates from the input catalog. The “offsets” represents whether there is a fiber offset during observation, and the “offsets_v” gives the offset value of equatorial coordinator in the input catalog if the “offsets” field is true. Note that, “offsets” and “offsets_v” in catalogs are the same as “offset” and “offset_v” in FITS header. Since “offset” is a commonly used database keyword, it should be avoided to use in catalogs.
The catalog provides eight radial velocity measurements and errors, which are also in the following LAMOST MRS Parameter catalog, and they are “rv_b0”, “rv_b1”, “rv_r0”, “rv_r1”, “rv_br0”, “rv_br1”, “rv_lasp0”, “rv_lasp1”, “rv_b0_err”, “rv_b1_err”, “rv_r0_err”, “rv_r1_err”, “rv_br0_err”, “rv_br1_err”, “rv_lasp0_err”, and “rv_lasp1_err”, respectively. The “rv_b0”, “rv_r0”, and “rv_br0” velocities were determined by the cross-correlation method, which used 483 selected KURUCZ synthetic spectra as the templates, and their difference lies in different band of spectra were used. The “rv_b0” and “rv_r0” were estimated with the B and R band spectra, respectively, and the “rv_br0” was determined with both B and R band spectra after continuum removal. The “rv_b1”, “rv_r1”, and “rv_br1” velocities are calibrated velocities of “rv_b0”, “rv_r0”, and “rv_br0”, which were calibrated by the radial velocity standard stars provided in Huang, Y. et al (2018)[2]. It should be noted that “rv_b1”, “rv_r1”, and “rv_br1” have only corrected the systematic errors between spectrographs, which do not include systematic errors between fibers and exposures, and the detailed correction method was introduced in Wang, R. et al (2019)[3]. The “rv_lasp0” velocity was estimated by the LASP, and “rv_lasp1” is the calibrated velocity of “rv_lasp0”.
The radial velocity uncertainty is affected mainly by two factors, i.e., the S/N and the best-matched chi-square. Using a sample of stars subtracting variable stars and having multiple observations, the radial velocity precision (RVP) for each observation and the relationship between the RVP and S/N were determined. Besides, the function relationship of the best-matched chi-square and S/N can also be obtained with another sample of stars. The uncertainties of “rv_b0”, “rv_r0” and “rv_br0” are “rv_b0_err”, “rv_r0_err”, and “rv_br0_err”, respectively, and they are estimated with the best-matched chi-square, S/N, and the above two relationships. The uncertainties of calibrated “rv_b1”, “rv_r1”, and “rv_br1” velocities are “rv_b1_err”, “rv_r1_err”, and “rv_br1_err”, respectively, and they are determined by the error propagation method. In addition, “rv_lasp0_err”, and “rv_lasp1_err” are uncertainties of “rv_lasp0” and “rv_lasp1”, and they were estimated by the same method mentioned above.
There are three radial velocity flags in this table, and they are “rv_b_flag”, “rv_r_flag”, “rv_br_flag”, respectively, which represents possible problems of radial velocities. Each of the three flags has four values, and they “0”, “1”, “2”, and “3”, which represent no exceptions, too many bad pixels (there are more than a third of bad pixels in a spectrum), the absolute value of radial velocity larger than 450 km/s, and low similarity with the best-matched template, respectively.
There are also five flags in this table, and they are “band”, “coadd”, “fibermask”, “bad_b”, and “bad_r”, respectively. The “band” field has two values of B and R, which represents the B and R band spectra, respectively. The “coadd” field can be used to determine whether this is a coadd spectrum, and it has two values of 0 (a single exposure spectrum) and 1 (a coadd spectrum). The “fibermask” field is the same as the “FIB_MASK” field in the primary extension, which has already detailedly described in subsection 2.3.4. The last two fields of “bad_b” and “bad_r” can be used to show whether each B and R band spectra are problematic, each of them has two values of “0” (the B or R band spectrum has no problem) and “1” (the B or R band spectrum is problematic).
The LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey was divided into a few different sub-surveys, the “subproject” field provides the name of each sub-project, which is written as “MRS_TD/NT_X”. “MRS” means the LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey, and “TD” and “NT” are observation modes, i.e., time-domain and non time-domain. “X” is the sub-project name, and it has values of “K”, “B”, “M”, “T”, “S”, “C”, “N”, and “H”, which represents “the Kepler region survey”, “the binary survey”, “the Milky Way survey”, “the TESS follow-up survey”, “the star forming region survey”, “the open cluster survey”, “the Galactic nebulae survey”, and “Four K2 binary test fields”, respectively.
Here, we provide two formats of the LAMOST MRS General Catalog to download, which include a FITS table and a CSV table, and they can be available from
Field (unit) |
Type |
Comment |
mobsid |
long integer |
Unique ID for each medium-resolution spectrum in each exposure |
obsid |
long integer |
Unique spectrum ID for each observation of each target |
uid |
char |
Unique source identifier calculated with the “ura” and “udec” in table 9 |
gp_id |
char |
For each LAMOST source, the equatorial coordinates (“ura” and “udec” in table 9) used to calculate “uid” were from which survey ((Pan-STARRS, Gaia or LAMOST), “gp_id” gives the corresponding source identifier in that survey. |
designation |
char |
Target designation |
obsdate |
char |
Target observation date |
lmjd |
char |
Local modified Julian day |
mjd |
char |
Modified Julian day |
planid |
char |
Plan name |
spid |
integer |
Spectrograph ID |
fiberid |
integer |
Fiber ID |
lmjm |
char |
Local modified Julian minute |
band |
char |
Having two values of B and R, which represent B and R band spectra |
ra_obs (degree) |
float |
Fiber pointing right ascension |
dec_obs (degree) |
float |
Fiber pointing declination |
snr |
float |
The median value of all pixel S/Ns in B band spectrum or R band |
gaia_source_id |
char |
The "source_id" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
gaia_g_mean_mag (mag) |
float |
The "phot_g_mean_mag" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
gaia_bp_mean_mag (mag) |
float |
The "phot_bp_mean_mag" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
gaia_rp_mean_mag (mag) |
float |
The "phot_rp_mean_mag" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
fibertype |
char |
Fiber type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead] |
offsets |
bool |
Whether there is a fiber offset during observation |
offsets_v (arcsec) |
float |
If the “offsets” field is true, “offsets_v” gives the offset distance from the target”s coordinator in input catalog |
ra (degree) |
float |
Right ascension from input catalog |
dec (degree) |
float |
Declination from input catalog |
rv_b0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity of B band spectra measured with 483 selected KURUCZ synthetic templates |
rv_b0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_b0 measured by the method LASP used |
rv_b1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_b0 |
rv_b1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_b1 measured by the error propagation |
rv_b_flag (km/s) |
integer |
Radial velocity flag for B band spectra |
rv_r0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity of R band spectra measured with 483 selected KURUCZ synthetic templates |
rv_r0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_r0 measured by the method LASP used |
rv_r1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_r0 |
rv_r1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_r1 measured by the error propagation |
rv_r_flag |
integer |
Radial velocity flag for R band spectra |
rv_br0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity of B and R band spectra measured with 483 selected KURUCZ synthetic templates |
rv_br0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_br0 measured by the method LASP used |
rv_br1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_br0 |
rv_br1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_br1 measured by the error propagation |
rv_br_flag (km/s) |
integer |
Radial velocity flag for B and R band spectra |
rv_lasp0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity measured by the LASP |
rv_lasp0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_lasp0 also given by the LASP |
rv_lasp1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_lasp0 |
rv_lasp1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_lasp1 measured by the error propagation |
coadd |
bool |
A flag to show whether it is a coadd spectrum |
fibermask |
integer |
Possible fiber problems |
bad_b |
bool |
A flag to show whether the B band spectra is problematic |
bad_r |
bool |
A flag to show whether the R band spectra is problematic |
moon_angle (degree) |
float |
The angular distance of each target to the moon |
lunardate |
integer |
The date of Chinese lunar calendar, which represents the moon phase, and its value is from 1 to 30. |
moon_flg |
bool |
This is a flag for “moon_angle”, and it has two values of 0 and 1, which represent the range of angular distance. If “moon_flg” equals to 1, it indicates that angular distance is in the range of [10 degree, 30 degree], and it represents that the angular distance is larger than 30 degree when “moon_flg” equals to 0. |
subproject |
char |
The sub-project names of LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey |
3.2 LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog
In this sub-section, we present the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog. In this table, atmospheric parameters and their uncertainties estimated by the LASP were released. For stars with effective temperatures in the range of [4500 K, 8500 K] or with effective temperatures in the range of [4000 K, 4500 K] and surface gravities less than 3.5 dex, blue coadd spectra were used, and red coadd spectra were adopted for stars with effective temperatures in the range of [3300 K, 4000 K] or with effective temperatures in the range of [4000 K, 4500 K] and surface gravities larger than or equal to 3.5 dex. Note that, no matter blue or red band spectra were used here, their signal to noise ratios should be larger than 10. Thus, we published atmospheric parameters for 1,609,374 blue coadd spectra, and for 73,858 red coadd spectra, respectively. In addition, alpha element abundances, atmospheric parameters, and 12 individual element abundances were also estimated by the convolutional neural network (CNN) method for these spectra, and they were also published in this catalog.
Table 8 lists all fields of this catalog, and fields before the “teff_lasp” have been introduced in subsection 3.1. The fields of “teff_lasp”, “logg_lasp”, “feh_lasp”, “vsini_lasp”, “teff_lasp_err”, “logg_lasp_err”, “feh_lasp_err”, and “vsini_lasp_err” are effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, projected rotation velocity, and their uncertainties, and they were determined by the LASP, which adopted the ELODIE spectra as templates. Note that, the uncertainty estimation methods of atmospheric parameters and projected rotation velocity given by the LASP are similar as the method of radial velocity uncertainties mentioned in subsection 3.1. In addition, the fields of “alpha_m_lasp” and “alpha_m_lasp_err” are alpha element abundance and the uncertainty given by the LASP, respectively. Different from above fields, the “alpha_m_lasp” field was estimated by the method of template matching based on the MARCS synthetic spectra, and the “alpha_m_lasp_err” is the uncertainty of “alpha_m_lasp”, which was estimated by the same method used by “teff_lasp_err”, “logg_lasp_err”, “feh_lasp_err”, and “vsini_lasp_err”.
The fields of “rv_b0”, “rv_b1”, “rv_r0”, “rv_r1”, “rv_br0”, “rv_br1”, “rv_lasp0”, “rv_lasp1”, “rv_b0_err”, “rv_b1_err”, “rv_r0_err”, “rv_r1_err”, “rv_br0_err”, “rv_br1_err”, “rv_lasp0_err”, “rv_lasp1_err”, “rv_b_flag”, “rv_r_flag”, “rv_br_flag”, “coadd”, and “fibermask” are also in the LAMOST MRS General Catalog of subsection 3.1, thus they are not introduced again here.
The fields of “alpha_m_cnn”, “teff_cnn”, “logg_cnn”, “feh_cnn”, “c_fe ”, “n_fe ”, “o_fe ”, “mg_fe ”, “al_fe ”, “si_fe ”, “s_fe ”, “ca_fe ”, “ti_fe ”, “cr_fe ”, “ni_fe ”, and “cu_fe ” are alpha element abundances, effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, and 12 individual element abundances, which were estimated by the label-transfer method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) with both B and R band spectra after continuum removal , and the labels of the training samples were employed from APOGEE. Note, the uncertainties of these fields were not published in this data release, and the results obtained by the CNN method are only statistically significant.
Here, we provide two formats of the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog to download, which include a FITS table and a CSV table, and they can be available from
Field (unit) |
Type |
Comment |
mobsid |
long integer |
Unique ID for each medium-resolution spectrum in each exposure |
obsid |
long integer |
Unique spectrum ID for each observation of each target |
uid |
char |
Unique source identifier calculated with the “ura” and “udec” in table 9 |
gp_id |
char |
For each LAMOST source, the equatorial coordinates (“ura” and “udec” in table 9) used to calculate “uid” were from which survey ((Pan-STARRS, Gaia or LAMOST), “gp_id” gives the corresponding source identifier in that survey. |
designation |
char |
Target designation |
obsdate |
char |
Target observation date |
lmjd |
char |
Local modified Julian day |
mjd |
char |
Modified Julian day |
planid |
char |
Plan name |
spid |
integer |
Spectrograph ID |
fiberid |
integer |
Fiber ID |
lmjm |
char |
Local modified Julian minute |
band |
char |
Having two values of B and R, which represent B and R band spectra |
ra_obs (degree) |
float |
Fiber pointing right ascension |
dec_obs (degree) |
float |
Fiber pointing declination |
snr |
float |
The median value of all pixel S/Ns in B band spectrum or R band |
gaia_source_id |
char |
The "source_id" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
gaia_g_mean_mag (mag) |
float |
The "phot_g_mean_mag" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
gaia_bp_mean_mag (mag) |
float |
The "phot_bp_mean_mag" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
gaia_rp_mean_mag (mag) |
float |
The "phot_rp_mean_mag" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
fibertype |
char |
Fiber type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead] |
offsets |
bool |
Whether there is a fiber offset during observation |
offsets_v (arcsec) |
float |
If the “offsets” field is true, “offsets_v” gives the offset distance from the target”s coordinator in input catalog |
ra (degree) |
float |
Right ascension from input catalog |
dec (degree) |
float |
Declination from input catalog |
teff_lasp (K) |
float |
Effective temperature given by the LASP |
teff_lasp_err (K) |
float |
Effective temperature uncertainty given by the LASP |
logg_lasp (dex) |
float |
Surface gravity given by the LASP |
logg_lasp_err (dex) |
float |
Surface gravity uncertainty given by the LASP |
feh_lasp (dex) |
float |
Metallicity given by the LASP |
feh_lasp_err (dex) |
float |
Metallicity uncertainty given by the LASP |
vsini_lasp |
float |
Projected rotation velocity given by the LASP |
vsini_lasp_err |
float |
Uncertainty of vsini_el given by the LASP |
rv_b0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity of B band spectra measured with 483 selected KURUCZ synthetic templates |
rv_b0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_b0 measured by the method LASP used |
rv_b1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_b0 |
rv_b1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_b1 measured by the error propagation |
rv_b_flag |
integer |
Radial velocity flag for B band spectra |
rv_r0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity of R band spectra measured with 483 selected KURUCZ synthetic templates |
rv_r0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_r0 measured by the method LASP used |
rv_r1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_r0 |
rv_r1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_r measured by the error propagation |
rv_r_flag |
integer |
Radial velocity flag for R band spectra |
rv_br0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity of B + R spectra measured with 483 selected KURUCZ synthetic templates |
rv_br0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_br0 measured by the method LASP used |
rv_br1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_br0 |
rv_br1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_br1 measured by the error propagation |
rv_br_flag (km/s) |
integer |
Radial velocity flag for B + R spectra |
rv_lasp0 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity measured by the LASP |
rv_lasp0_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_lasp0 also given by the LASP |
rv_lasp1 (km/s) |
float |
Radial velocity after zero-point correction of rv_lasp0 |
rv_lasp1_err (km/s) |
float |
Uncertainty of rv_lasp1 measured by the error propagation |
coadd |
bool |
A flag to show whether it is a coadd spectrum |
fibermask |
integer |
Possible fiber problems |
alpha_m_cnn (dex) |
float |
Alpha element abundance estimated by the CNN method |
teff_cnn (K) |
float |
Effective temperature estimated by the CNN method |
logg_cnn (dex) |
float |
Surface gravity estimated by the CNN method |
feh_cnn (dex) |
float |
Metallicity estimated by the CNN method |
c_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [C/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
n_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [N/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
o_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [O/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
mg_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Mg/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
al_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Al/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
si_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Si/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
s_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [S/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
ca_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Ca/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
ti_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Ti/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
cr_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Cr/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
ni_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Ni/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
cu_fe (dex) |
float |
Individual element abundance of [Cu/Fe] estimated by the CNN method |
alpha_m_lasp (dex) |
float |
Alpha element abundance estimated by the LASP |
alpha_m_lasp_err (dex) |
float |
The uncertainty of alpha_m_lasp |
moon_angle (degree) |
float |
The angular distance of each target to the moon |
lunardate |
integer |
The date of Chinese lunar calendar, which represents the moon phase, and its value is from 1 to 30. |
moon_flg |
bool |
This is a flag for “moon_angle”, and it has two values of 0 and 1, which represent the range of angular distance. If "moon_flg" equals to 1, it indicates that angular distance is in the range of [10 degree, 30 degree], and it represents that the angular distance is larger than 30 degree when “moon_flg” equals to 0. |
In this sub-section, we introdu,ce the LAMOST MRS Multiple Epoch Catalog, and each row of this catalog represents a source with multiple observations. There are in total of 465,688 targets in this catalog, and there are 18 parameters provided for each source. The equator coordinates used to calculate the source identifier were mainly from the Gaia or Pan-STARRS survey. For a few sources without equator coordinates of Gaia or Pan-STARRS, the source identifiers were estimated with the equator coordinates in LAMOST input catalog.
In this catalog, “uid” is the unique LAMOST source identifier, which was calculated by the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) algorithm [4] (the “HMpTy” package), and “ura” and “udec” are the equator coordinates to calculate “uid”. “gp_id” provides the corresponding source identifier in the Pan-STARRS, Gaia, or LAMOST, which depends on “ura” and “udec” of which survey were used to calculate “uid”.
The “obs_number”, “obsid_list”, “teff_lasp_list”, “logg_lasp_list”, and “feh_lasp_list” fields provide the observation number, unique spectrum ID list, effective temperature list, surface gravity list, and metallicity list, respectively. Because these targets were observed at multiple nights, their “obs_number” are all greater than 1. “exp_number”, “lmjm_list”, “rv_b0_list”, “rv_b1_list”, “rv_r0_list”, “rv_r1_list”, “rv_br0_list”, and “rv_br1_list” are the total exposure number, the “lmjm” list, and the radial velocity lists of red, blue and coadd spectra in each exposure, respectively, and these radial velocities are also provided in the LAMOST MRS General Catalog and the LAMOST MRS Parameter Catalog. In the fields with “_list”, the parameters obtained from each observation night are separated by the sign of “-”. It should be noted that, you can use each obsid in the “obsid_list” field to cross-match with other LAMOST MRS catalogs.
By cross-matching with 11 SOS tables [5] of Gaia DR3, the variability types were obtained for variable sources in this table, and the “gaia_vari_type_sos” provides their variability types.
Here, we provide two formats of the LAMOST MRS Multiple Epoch Catalog to download, which include a FITS table and a CSV table, and they can be available from
Field (unit) |
Type |
Comment |
uid |
char |
Unique source identifier calculated with the “ura” and “udec” in this table |
ura (degree) |
float |
Right ascension used to calculate “uid”, and it may be from Gaia, Pan-STARRS, or LAMOST. |
udec (degree) |
float |
Declination used to calculate “uid”, and it may be from Gaia, Pan-STARRS, or LAMOST. |
gp_id |
char |
For each LAMOST source, the equatorial coordinates (“ura” and “udec” in this table) used to calculate “uid” were from which survey (Pan-STARRS, Gaia or LAMOST), “gp_id” gives the corresponding source identifier in that survey. |
obs_number |
int |
Observation plan numbers for each target with multiple epoch observations |
obsid_list |
char |
“obsid” list |
teff_lasp_list |
char |
Effective temperature list |
logg_lasp_list |
char |
Surface gravity list |
feh_lasp_list |
char |
Metallicity list |
exp_number |
int |
Total exposure number |
lmjm_list |
char |
“lmjm” list |
rv_b0_list |
char |
“rv_b0” list |
rv_b1_list |
char |
“rv_b1” list |
rv_r0_list |
char |
“rv_r0” list |
rv_r1_list |
char |
“rv_r1” list |
rv_br0_list |
char |
“rv_br0” list |
rv_br1_list |
char |
“rv_br1” list |
gaia_vari_type_sos |
char |
Variability types obtained by cross-matching with 11 Specific Object Studies (SOS) tables of Gaia DR3 |
In this sub-section, we introduce the LAMOST MRS observed plate information catalog, which have the same table structure as the “Observed Plate Information Catalog” table in the low-resolution data release. Except the “obsdate” and “planid” fields also in other catalogs, other 7 basic information for 1529 published plates were also included in this catalog as shown in table 10. The fields of “ra” and “dec” are the right ascension and declination of center star of each plate, and the field “mag” is the magnitude of center star. The field “seeing” is the dome seeing of the first exposure, and “exptime” is the total exposure time of n time exposures. The field “lmjm_list” is a string which provides the local modified Julian minute list for each plate, and it is separated by commas. For example, the “lmjm_list” for a plate is “84108765,84108789,84108813”, which represents the plate has three exposures, and it provides the local modified Julian minute at the beginning time of each exposure for this plate. Last, the “pid” is the unique ID of each plate.
Here, we provide two formats of the LAMOST MRS observed plate information catalog to download, which include a FITS table and a CSV table, and they can be available from
Field (unit) |
Type |
Comment |
pid |
integer |
Plate ID |
obsdate |
float |
Target observation date |
planid |
char |
Plan name |
ra (degree) |
float |
Right ascension of center star |
dec (degree) |
float |
Declination of center star |
mag (mag) |
float |
Magnitude of center star |
seeing |
float |
Seeing of the first exposure |
exptime (second) |
float |
The total exposure time of n time exposures |
lmjm_list |
Integer |
"lmjm" list |
In this sub-section, we introduce the LAMOST MRS input catalog, which includes 27 parameters for 3,569,460 targets. There are 13 fields not included in previous tables, and they are the “unitid”, “epoch”, “tname”, “objtype”, “magtype”, “mag1”, “mag2”, “mag3”, “mag4”, “mag5”, “mag6” and “mag7” fields respectively. The “unitid” field is the ID of 4000 fiber units, “tname” is the unique ID of this catalog for each target, the value of “epoch” is “J2000”, “objtype” is the object class provided by the organizations or individuals who submitted the input catalogs, “magtype”gives the magnitude bands, and “mag1”-“mag7” is the magnitudes of the bands referred to “magtype”, which were given by the person or organization submitting the observation plan.
Here, we provide two formats of the LAMOST MRS input catalog to download, which include a FITS table and a CSV table, and they can be available from
Field (unit) |
Type |
Comment |
obsid |
long integer |
Unique spectrum ID |
obsdate |
float |
Target observation date |
planid |
char |
Plan name |
spid |
integer |
Spectrograph ID |
fiberid |
integer |
Fiber ID |
unitid |
char |
ID of 4000 fiber units |
ra_obs (degree) |
float |
Fiber pointing right ascension |
dec_obs (degree) |
float |
Fiber pointing declination |
objtype |
char |
Object type |
magtype |
char |
Target magnitude type |
mag1 (mag) |
float |
Associated magnitude 1 |
mag2 (mag) |
float |
Associated magnitude 2 |
mag3 (mag) |
float |
Associated magnitude 3 |
mag4 (mag) |
float |
Associated magnitude 4 |
mag5 (mag) |
float |
Associated magnitude 5 |
mag6 (mag) |
float |
Associated magnitude 6 |
mag7 (mag) |
float |
Associated magnitude 7 |
tsource |
char |
It is a preliminary classification label for each target used by the "fiber allocation procedure", and it generally denotes the organization and researcher who submits the target, the research subject to which the target belongs, and so on. |
fibertype |
char |
Fiber type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead] |
tfrom |
char |
It is a further classification label for each target used by the "fiber allocation procedure", and it generally denotes the astronomical catalogues where the targets were chosen from, the target selection algorithm, and so on. |
tcomment |
char |
This is a comment about each target and probably includes target ID in the astronomical catalogue where the target was chosen from, and/or the observed equatorial coordinate bias. |
offsets |
bool |
Whether there is a fiber offset during observation |
offsets_v (arcsec) |
float |
If the “offsets” field is true, “offsets_v” gives the offset distance from the target”s coordinator in input catalog |
ra (degree) |
float |
Right ascension from input catalog |
dec (degree) |
float |
Declination from input catalog |
epoch |
char |
J2000 |
tname |
char |
Unique ID for each targets in this catalog |
1. Liu, C., Bai, Z.R., Chen, J.J., et al. LAMOST Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey (LAMOST-MRS): Scientific goals and survey plan. In prepare.
2. Huang, Y., Liu, X.W., Chen, B.Q., et al. A New Catalog of Radial Velocity Standard Stars from the APOGEE Data. AJ, 2018, 156, 90.
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5. Eyer, L., Audard, M., Holl, B., et al. Gaia Data Release 3. Summary of the variability processing and analysis. 2022, arXiv:2206.06416