Imaging processing and analysis tool for China_VO is abbreviated to VO_IMPAT.It is an interactive imaging tool and allows the users to visualize digitized images of any part of the sky and interactively access ralated data and information from BADC.VO_IMPAT is available as a stand alone version,which is to be installed on the user's machine.

VO_IMPAT implements in java.It can be invoked by double click "setup.bat",which is inside the vo_impat.zip folder.

VO_IMPAT has been developed as a part of Virtual Observatory of China. It fully benefits from the environment of BADC database and service, and is designed as a multi-purpose service for use by the public and professional astronomical community.


Download file
1.0 beta
VO_IMPAT_1.0 userguide


VO_IMPAT has the following requirements for installation on your machine:

JDK 5.0

Axis 1.2.1

JAI 1.1.3---Windows/Linux JDK Install

Installation Instruction

Please send comments and questions to dwang@lamost.org

Future Development

VO_IMPAT is under continuous development, and versions to be released in the future will more sophisticated graphics, higher dimensional plots, advanced imaging processing functions.