The following is a list of all the binary operators and their usages:
Symbol Example Explanation ** a**b exponentiation * a*b multiplication / a/b division % a%b * modulo + a+b addition - a-b subtraction == a==b equality != a!=b inequality < a<b less than <= a<=b less than or equal to > a>b greater than >= a>=b greater than or equal to & a&b * bitwise AND ^ a^b * bitwise exclusive OR | a|b * bitwise inclusive OR && a&&b * logical AND || a||b * logical OR
(*) Starred explanations indicate that the operator requires integer arguments.
Logical AND (&&) and OR (||) short-circuit the way they do in C. That is, the second && operand is not evaluated if the first is false; the second || operand is not evaluated if the first is true.