The set view command sets the viewing angle for splots. It controls how the 3-d coordinates of the plot are mapped into the 2-d screen space. It provides controls for both rotation and scaling of the plotted data, but supports orthographic projections only.
set view <rot_x> {,{<rot_z>}{,{<scale>}{,<scale_z>}}} show view
where <rot_x> and <rot_z> control the rotation angles (in degrees) in a virtual 3-d coordinate system aligned with the screen such that initially (that is, before the rotations are performed) the screen horizontal axis is x, screen vertical axis is y, and the axis perpendicular to the screen is z. The first rotation applied is <rot_x> around the x axis. The second rotation applied is <rot_z> around the new z axis.
<rot_x> is bounded to the [0:180] range with a default of 60 degrees, while <rot_z> is bounded to the [0:360] range with a default of 30 degrees. <scale> controls the scaling of the entire splot, while <scale_z> scales the z axis only. Both scales default to 1.0.
set view 60, 30, 1, 1 set view ,,0.5
The first sets all the four default values. The second changes only scale, to 0.5.
See also set ticslevel.