
The gnuplot text window has the following options on a pop-up menu accessed by pressing the right mouse button or selecting Options from the system menu:

Copy to Clipboard copies marked text to the clipboard.

Paste copies text from the clipboard as if typed by the user.

Choose Font... selects the font used in the text window.

System Colors when selected makes the text window honor the System Colors set using the Control Panel. When unselected, text is black or blue on a white background.

Update wgnuplot.ini saves the current text window location, text window size, text window font and text window font size to the initialisation file WGNUPLOT.INI.


If the menu file WGNUPLOT.MNU is found in the same directory as WGNUPLOT.EXE, then the menu specified in WGNUPLOT.MNU will be loaded. Menu commands:

[Menu] starts a new menu with the name on the following line.

[EndMenu] ends the current menu.

[--] inserts a horizontal menu separator.

[|] inserts a vertical menu separator.

[Button] puts the next macro on a push button instead of a menu.

Macros take two lines with the macro name (menu entry) on the first line and the macro on the second line. Leading spaces are ignored. Macro commands:

[INPUT] --- Input string with prompt terminated by [EOS] or {ENTER}

[EOS] --- End Of String terminator. Generates no output.

[OPEN] --- Get name of file to open from list box, with title of list box terminated by [EOS], followed by default filename terminated by [EOS] or {ENTER}. This uses COMMDLG.DLL from Windows 3.1.

[SAVE] --- Get name of file to save. Similar to [OPEN]

Macro character substitutions:

{ENTER} --- Carriage Return '\r'

{TAB} --- Tab '\011'

{ESC} --- Escape '\033'

{^A} --- '\001'


{^_} --- '\031'

Macros are limited to 256 characters after expansion.