
The iris4d terminal driver supports Silicon Graphics IRIS 4D computers. Its only option is 8- or 24-bit color depth. The default is 8.


      set terminal iris4d {8 | 24}

The color depth is not really a choice -- the value appropriate for the hardware should be selected.

When using 24-bit mode, the colors can be directly specified via the file .gnuplot_iris4d that is searched in the current directory and then in the home directory specified by the HOME environment variable. This file holds RGB values for the background, border, labels and nine plotting colors, in that order. For example, here is a file containing the default colors:

      85   85   85     Background   (dark gray)
      0    0    0      Boundary     (black)
      170  0    170    Labeling     (magenta)
      85   255  255    Plot Color 1 (light cyan)
      170  0    0      Plot Color 2 (red)
      0    170  0      Plot Color 3 (green)
      255  85   255    Plot Color 4 (light magenta)
      255  255  85     Plot Color 5 (yellow)
      255  85   85     Plot Color 6 (light red)
      85   255  85     Plot Color 7 (light green)
      0    170  170    Plot Color 8 (cyan)
      170  170  0      Plot Color 9 (brown)

This file must have exactly 12 lines of RGB triples. No empty lines are allowed, and anything after the third number on a line is ignored.