atari ST (via AES)

The atari terminal has options to set the character size and the screen colors.


      set terminal atari {<fontsize>} {<col0> <col1> ... <col15.}

The character size must appear if any colors are to be specified. Each of the (up to 16) colors is given as a three-digit hex number, where the digits represent RED, GREEN and BLUE (in that order). The range of 0--15 is scaled to whatever color range the screen actually has. On a normal ST screen, odd and even intensities are the same.


      set terminal atari 4    # use small (6x6) font
      set terminal atari 6 0  # set monochrome screen to white on black
      set terminal atari 13 0 fff f00 f0 f ff f0f
                 # set first seven colors to black, white, green, blue,
                 # cyan, purple, and yellow and use large font (8x16).

Additionally, if an environment variable GNUCOLORS exists, its contents are interpreted as an options string, but an explicit terminal option takes precedence.