
The sampling rate of functions, or for interpolating data, may be changed by the set samples command.


      set samples <samples_1> {,<samples_2>}
      show samples

By default, sampling is set to 100 points. A higher sampling rate will produce more accurate plots, but will take longer. This parameter has no effect on data file plotting unless one of the interpolation/approximation options is used. See plot smooth re 2-d data and set cntrparam and set dgrid3d re 3-d data.

When a 2-d graph is being done, only the value of <samples_1> is relevant.

When a surface plot is being done without the removal of hidden lines, the value of samples specifies the number of samples that are to be evaluated for the isolines. Each iso-v line will have <sample_1> samples and each iso-u line will have <sample_2> samples. If you only specify <samples_1>, <samples_2> will be set to the same value as <samples_1>. See also set isosamples.