Name |
Operation |
Constraint |
Sample |
Description |
obsid |
or upload file
566206052 |
Unique spectrum ID for each observation of each target |
uid |
or upload file
G15256043556791 |
Unique source identifier calculated with the "ura" and "udec" in table 9 |
gp_id |
or upload file
1362497045156144768 |
For each LAMOST source, the equatorial coordinates ("ura" and "udec" in table 9) used to calculate "uid" were from which survey (Pan-STARRS, Gaia or LAMOST), "gp_id" gives the corresponding source identifier in that survey. |
designation |
or upload file
J174420.41+462035.0 |
Target designation |
obsdate |
or upload file
2017-04-26 |
Target observation date |
lmjd |
or upload file
57870 |
Local modified Julian day |
mjd |
or upload file
57869 |
Modified Julian day |
planid |
or upload file
HD173213N461949M02 |
Plan name |
spid |
or upload file
6 |
Spectrograph ID |
fiberid |
or upload file
52 |
Fiber ID |
ra_obs |
or upload file
266.0850525000 |
Fiber pointing right ascension (degree) |
dec_obs |
or upload file
46.3430787000 |
Fiber pointing declination (degree) |
snru |
or upload file
0.36 |
S/N of u filter |
snrg |
or upload file
6.95 |
S/N of g filter |
snrr |
or upload file
23.65 |
S/N of r filter |
snri |
or upload file
43.94 |
S/N of i filter |
snrz |
or upload file
35.93 |
S/N of z filter |
class |
Spectral type |
subclass |
dM1 |
Stellar spectral type |
z |
or upload file
-0.0001621600 |
Redshift |
z_err |
or upload file
0.0000074500 |
Redshift uncertainty |
ps_id |
or upload file
163612660850462363 |
The objID in the Pan-STARRS catalog |
mag_ps_g |
or upload file
18.8330001831 |
Pan-STARRS g band magnitude |
mag_ps_r |
or upload file
17.6275005341 |
Pan-STARRS r band magnitude |
mag_ps_i |
or upload file
16.8211002350 |
Pan-STARRS i band magnitude |
mag_ps_z |
or upload file
16.4510002136 |
Pan-STARRS z band magnitude |
mag_ps_y |
or upload file
16.2453002930 |
Pan-STARRS y band magnitude |
gaia_source_id |
or upload file
1362497045156144768 |
The "source_id" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
gaia_g_mean_mag |
or upload file
17.41445000 |
The "phot_g_mean_mag" field of Gaia DR3 catalog |
fibertype |
or upload file
Obj |
Fiber type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead] |
offsets |
or upload file
0 |
Whether there is a fiber offset during observation |
offsets_v |
or upload file
0.000 |
If the "offsets" field is true, "offsets_v" gives the offset distance from the target"s coordinator in input catalog (arcsec) |
ra |
or upload file
266.0850525000 |
Right ascension from input catalog (degree) |
dec |
or upload file
46.3430787000 |
Declination from input catalog (degree) |
fibermask |
or upload file
0 |
Possible fiber problems |
with_norm_flux |
or upload file
0 |
It has two values of 0 and 1, 1 represents the FITS file provides the normalized spectrum, and 0 means it does not. The normalized flux is in the data array of extension 1. |
logg_err |
or upload file
0.050 |
Surface gravity uncertainty obtained by the LASP |
teff |
or upload file
3695.88 |
Effective temperature obtained by the LASP |
vsini_lasp |
or upload file
110.002 |
Projected rotation velocity given by the LASP |
feh_err |
or upload file
0.000 |
Metallicity uncertainty obtained by the LASP |
alpha_m_err |
or upload file
0.001082 |
The uncertainty of alpha_m |
rv_err |
or upload file
0.00 |
Uncertainty of heliocentric radial velocity obtained by the LASP |
rv |
or upload file
-499.61 |
Heliocentric radial velocity obtained by the LASP |
teff_err |
or upload file
42.14 |
Effective temperature uncertainty obtained by the LASP |
alpha_m |
or upload file
-0.579894 |
Alpha element abundance estimated by the LASP |
logg |
or upload file
4.588 |
Surface gravity obtained by the LASP |
feh |
or upload file
-2.500 |
Metallicity obtained by the LASP |
hdelta12 |
or upload file
-54588.26 |
Hdelta line Index with band widths of 12 Å |
hbeta12 |
or upload file
-109288.33 |
Hbeta line Index with band widths of 12 Å |
halpha48 |
or upload file
-16420.91 |
Halpha line Index with band widths of 48 Å |
hgamma24 |
or upload file
-60783.33 |
Hgamma line Index with band widths of 24 Å |
halpha_d02 |
or upload file
0.00 |
Width at 20% below the local continuum of Halpha line |
halpha24 |
or upload file
-7125.03 |
Halpha line Index with band widths of 24 Å |
hdelta_d02 |
or upload file
0.00 |
Width at 20% below the local continuum of Hdelta line |
paschen242 |
or upload file
-515701.94 |
Paschen line index from local continuum at 8751.0 with band widths of 42.0 |
hbeta_d02 |
or upload file
0.00 |
Width at 20% below the local continuum of Hbeta line |
halpha70 |
or upload file
-16753.66 |
Halpha line Index with band widths of 70 Å |
hdelta24 |
or upload file
-80481.90 |
Hdelta line Index with band widths of 24 Å |
kp12 |
or upload file
-196177.28 |
Ca II K line index with band widths of 12 Å |
hgamma54 |
or upload file
-238963.48 |
Hgamma line Index with band widths of 54 Å |
paschen13 |
or upload file
-50903.39 |
Paschen line index from local continuum at 8467.5 with band widths of 13.0 |
hbeta24 |
or upload file
-112118.66 |
Hbeta line Index with band widths of 24 Å |
hgamma48 |
or upload file
-238911.59 |
Hgamma line Index with band widths of 48 Å |
halpha12 |
or upload file
-6907.28 |
Halpha line Index with band widths of 12 Å |
kp18 |
or upload file
-196215.08 |
Ca II K line index with band widths of 18 Å |
hdelta48 |
or upload file
-633900.58 |
Hdelta line Index with band widths of 48 Å |
hbeta48 |
or upload file
-113647.81 |
Hbeta line Index with band widths of 48 Å |
hbeta60 |
or upload file
-114213.36 |
Hbeta line Index with band widths of 60 Å |
hgamma_d02 |
or upload file
0.00 |
Width at 20% below the local continuum of Hgama line |
hgamma12 |
or upload file
-24448.62 |
Hgamma line Index with band widths of 12 Å |
paschen142 |
or upload file
-38105.63 |
Paschen line index from local continuum at 8598.0 with band widths of 42.0 |
kp6 |
or upload file
-196154.22 |
Ca II K line index with band widths of 6 Å |
hdelta64 |
or upload file
-632486.01 |
Hdelta line Index with band widths of 64 Å |
tio4_err |
or upload file
0.015062 |
Spectral indice Error of TiO4 |
cah1_err |
or upload file
0.008869 |
Spectral indice Error of CaH1 |
ewha |
or upload file
0.168087 |
EW of Halpha line |
tio1_err |
or upload file
0.016620 |
Spectral indice Error of TiO1 |
tio5_err |
or upload file
0.010669 |
Spectral indice Error of TiO5 |
tio1 |
or upload file
0.858249 |
Spectral indice of TiO1 |
m_h_err |
or upload file
0.080000 |
Metallicity uncertainty estimated with the method LASP used |
cah2 |
or upload file
0.662606 |
Spectral indice of CaH2 |
caoh_err |
or upload file
0.010872 |
Spectral indice Error of CaOH |
cah3_err |
or upload file
0.010872 |
Spectral indice Error of CaH3 |
type |
or upload file
0.00 |
Magnetic activity |
m_h |
or upload file
-0.307900 |
Metallicity obtained by the minimum chi-squre estimation |
caoh |
or upload file
0.669333 |
Spectral indice of CaOH |
tio5 |
or upload file
0.692092 |
Spectral indice of TiO5 |
cah3 |
or upload file
0.853410 |
Spectral indice of CaH3 |
cah2_err |
or upload file
0.008686 |
Spectral indice Error of CaH2 |
cah1 |
or upload file
0.852900 |
Spectral indice of CaH1 |
zeta |
or upload file
1.311786 |
Metallicity sensitive parameter |
tio4 |
or upload file
0.837733 |
Spectral indice of TiO4 |
tio3 |
or upload file
0.879676 |
Spectral indice of TiO3 |
ewha_err |
or upload file
0.060739 |
EW uncertainty of Halpha line |
tio2_err |
or upload file
0.016938 |
Spectral indice Error of TiO2 |
tio3_err |
or upload file
0.015142 |
Spectral indice Error of TiO3 |
na |
or upload file
0.939947 |
Line indice of Na line |
tio2 |
or upload file
0.829552 |
Spectral indice of TiO2 |
zeta_err |
or upload file
0.073554 |
Error of metallicity sensitive parameter |
abs_gmag_err |
or upload file
0.010000 |
period |
or upload file
0.0119070000 |
r |
or upload file
79 |
subtype |
or upload file
AC |
abs_gmag |
or upload file
0.25 |
wd_subclass |
or upload file
da |
Spectral sub-types of white dwarf stars |
halpha_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the Halpha emission line |
metal_mw |
or upload file
-2.0293056462659380 |
Metallicity (Mass-weighted) |
oiii_4960_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the [O III] 4960 emission line |
sii_6718_ew |
or upload file
-25.5070297328 |
EW of the [S II] 6718 emission line |
nii_6585_ew |
or upload file
-8.9073155996 |
EW of the [N II] 6585 emission line |
hbeta_ew |
or upload file
0E-10 |
EW of the Hbeta emission line |
age_mw |
or upload file
-1.6351521943710030 |
Age (Mass-weighted) |
nii_6550_ew |
or upload file
-16.3329049845 |
EW of the [N II] 6550 emission line |
vsig |
or upload file
10.9193527262 |
Stellar velocity dispersion |
sii_6718_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the [S II] 6718 emission line |
sii_6733_ew |
or upload file
-7.7894890315 |
EW of the [S II] 6733 emission line |
oiii_5008_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the [O III] 5008 emission line |
halpha_ew |
or upload file
-22.7603855883 |
EW of the Halpha emission line |
hbeta_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the Hbeta emission line |
oiii_5008_ew |
or upload file
-14.3601504542 |
EW of the [O III] 5008 emission line |
nii_6585_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the [N II] 6585 emission line |
sii_6733_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the [S II] 6733 emission line |
vsig_err |
or upload file
0E-10 |
The uncertainty of Stellar velocity dispersion |
age_lw |
or upload file
-1.7026664778441190 |
Age (Light-weighted) |
oiii_4960_ew |
or upload file
-18.0822217745 |
EW of the [O III] 4960 emission line |
nii_6550_flux |
or upload file
0E-10 |
Total integrated flux in the [N II] 6550 emission line |
metal_lw |
or upload file
-2.0293056462659380 |
Metallicity (Light-weighted) |
balmer_tau_e |
or upload file
0.500000000000 |
Optical depth at the Balmer edge of 3646 Å |
fitting_status_2 |
or upload file
1 |
The fitting status of the second group lines, and the value larger than 0 means a success fitting. See for other values. |
ciii_na_2_sigma |
or upload file
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the second CIII narrow component |
hb_br_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.479345321655 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of Hbeta broad component |
ndof_4 |
or upload file
6 |
Degree of freedom in the fitting of the fourth group lines |
fe_op_norm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Normalization parameter of Fe II spectrum in optical band |
fitting_status_6 |
or upload file
The fitting status of the sixth group lines, and the value larger than 0 means a success fitting. See for other values. |
balmer_teff |
or upload file
15000 |
Electron temperature |
red_chi2_6 |
or upload file
Reduced chi-square in the fitting of the sixth group lines |
line_name_6 |
or upload file
The name of the sixth group of spectral lines |
ndof_2 |
or upload file
21 |
Degree of freedom in the fitting of the second group lines |
hb_na_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of Hbeta narrow component |
civ_ew |
or upload file
0E-12 |
EW of entire C IV |
lya_area |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Integrated Flux of entire Lya |
ha_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak wavelenth of entire Halpha |
red_chi2_4 |
or upload file
0.004268015515 |
Reduced chi-square in the fitting of the fourth group lines |
balmer_norm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Normalization parameter of Balmer continuum |
mgii_br_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.935228347778 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of Mg II broad component |
civ_sigma |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Line dispersion of entire C IV |
ciii_na_2_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the second C III narrow component |
lya_na_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of Lya narrow component |
poly_b |
or upload file
-239.155356129398 |
The coefficient of the quadratic term of the third-order polynomial in the continuum fitting |
sii6718_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of [S II] 6718 |
mgii_na_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.926928043365 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the first Mg II narrow component |
hb_ew |
or upload file
0E-12 |
EW of entire Hbeta |
mgii_area |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Integrated Flux of entire Mg II |
line_name_2 |
or upload file
The name of the second group of spectral lines |
ha_sigma |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Line dispersion of entire Halpha |
civ_br_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of C IV broad component |
civ_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak wavelenth of entire C IV |
hb_sigma |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Line dispersion of entire Hbeta |
ciii_br_2_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of the second C III broad component |
civ_na_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.335403442383 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of C IV narrow component |
line_name_4 |
or upload file
The name of the fourth group of spectral lines |
mgii_br_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of Mg II broad component |
mgii_ew |
or upload file
0E-12 |
EW of entire Mg II |
hb_na_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.479345321655 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of Hbeta narrow component |
sii6718_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of [S II] 6718 |
lya_br_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.083050727844 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of Lya broad component |
l3000 |
or upload file
-1.000000000000 |
Continuum luminosity in common logarithm at rest-frame 3000 Å |
mgii_na_2_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the second Mg II narrow component |
mgii_na_2_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of the second Mg II narrow component |
hb_br_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of Hbeta broad component |
civ_br_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.330403804779 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of C IV broad component |
mgii_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak wavelenth of entire Mg II |
ciii_ew |
or upload file
0E-12 |
EW of entire C III |
sii6732_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of [S II] 6732 |
civ_br_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of CIV broad component |
hb_area |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Integrated Flux of entire Hbeta |
ha_br_3_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of Halpha broad component |
fe_uv_fwhm |
or upload file
1200.000000000000 |
Rest-frame FWHM of Fe II spectrum in UV band |
line_name_1 |
or upload file
The name of the first group of spectral lines |
oiii4959_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.499220848083 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of [O III] 4959 |
min_chi2_1 |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Minimal chi-square in the fitting of the first group lines |
oiii5007_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of [O III] 5007 |
sn_ratio_conti |
or upload file
-40.750000000000 |
Continuum S/N |
sii6732_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of [S II] 6732 |
oiii4959_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000230000005 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of [O III] 4959 |
nii6549_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of [N II] 6549 |
lya_br_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of Lya broad component |
min_chi2_6 |
or upload file
Minimal chi-square in the fitting of the sixth group lines |
ha_br_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of the first Halpha broad component |
lya_sigma |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Line dispersion of entire Lya |
pl_slope |
or upload file
-5.000000000000 |
Slope of AGN power law |
ciii_br_2_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.539193630219 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the second C III broad component |
fe_op_shift |
or upload file
-0.010000000000 |
Wavelength shift of Fe II spectrum in optical band |
fitting_status_5 |
or upload file
The fitting status of the fifth group lines, and the value larger than 0 means a success fitting. See for other values. |
mgii_br_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of Mg II broad component |
ha_br_2_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of the second Halpha broad component |
hb_na_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000230000005 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of Hbeta narrow component |
line_name_5 |
or upload file
The name of the fifth group of spectral lines |
red_chi2_5 |
or upload file
Reduced chi-square in the fitting of the fifth group lines |
ciii_na_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the first C III narrow component |
mgii_sigma |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Line dispersion of entire Mg II |
lya_fwhm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
FWHM of entire Lya |
ciii_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak wavelenth of entire C III |
min_chi2_3 |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Minimal chi-square in the fitting of the third group lines |
nii6549_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of [N II] 6549 |
line_name_3 |
or upload file
The name of the first group of spectral lines |
min_chi2_5 |
or upload file
Minimal chi-square in the fitting of the fifth group lines |
nii6585_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.782591819763 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of [N II] 6585 |
red_chi2_2 |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Reduced chi-square in the fitting of the second group lines |
ciii_sigma |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Line dispersion of entire C III |
ciii_br_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.539193630219 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the first C III broad component |
ciii_br_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the first C III broad component |
hb_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak wavelenth of entire Hbeta |
ha_br_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.774448394775 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the first Halpha broad component |
sii6718_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.802588462830 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of [S II] 6718 |
ha_br_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the first Halpha broad component |
l1350 |
or upload file
-1.000000000000 |
Continuum luminosity in common logarithm at rest-frame 1350 Å |
ndof_3 |
or upload file
12 |
Degree of freedom in the fitting of the third group lines |
poly_a |
or upload file
-971914.102986193500 |
The coefficient of the first term of the third-order polynomial in the continuum fitting |
ciii_na_2_peak_flux |
or upload file
Peak flux of the second C III narrow component |
ha_fwhm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
FWHM of entire Halpha |
ha_na_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of Halpha narrow component |
min_chi2_2 |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Minimal chi-square in the fitting of the second group lines |
pl_norm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Normalization parameter of AGN power law |
fitting_status_1 |
or upload file
1 |
The fitting status of the first group lines, and the value larger than 0 means a success fitting. See |
civ_na_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of CIV narrow component |
ciii_area |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Integrated Flux of entire C III |
ha_br_3_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.774448394775 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the third Halpha broad component |
poly_c |
or upload file
-0.090078495646 |
The coefficient of the cubic term of the third-order polynomial in the continuum fitting |
red_chi2_1 |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Reduced chi-square in the fitting of the first group lines |
fitting_status_4 |
or upload file
1 |
The fitting status of the fourth group lines, and the value larger than 0 means a success fitting. See for other values. |
ndof_6 |
or upload file
Degree of freedom in the fitting of the sixth group lines |
mgii_na_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the first Mg II narrow component |
oiii5007_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000230000005 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of [O III] 5007 |
ha_na_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.779448509216 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of Halpha narrow component |
l5100 |
or upload file
-1.000000000000 |
Continuum luminosity in common logarithm at rest-frame 5100 Å |
civ_na_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of C IV narrow component |
fitting_status_3 |
or upload file
1 |
The fitting status of the third group lines, and the value larger than 0 means a success fitting. See for other values. |
ha_br_2_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the second Halpha broad component |
civ_fwhm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
FWHM of entire C IV |
ciii_na_1_sigma |
or upload file
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the first C III narrow component |
ha_br_2_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.774448394775 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the second Halpha broad component |
ciii_br_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of the first C III broad component |
lya_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak wavelenth of entire Lya |
min_chi2_4 |
or upload file
1.284672670113 |
Minimal chi-square in the fitting of the fourth group lines |
nii6585_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of [N II] 6585 |
oiii5007_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.508839607239 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of [O III] 5007 |
mgii_na_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of the first Mg II narrow component |
ciii_fwhm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
FWHM of entire C III |
ha_br_3_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of the third Halpha broad component |
fe_uv_norm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Normalization parameter of Fe II spectrum in UV band |
mgii_fwhm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
FWHM of entire Mg II |
ha_ew |
or upload file
0E-12 |
EW of entire Halpha |
civ_area |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Integrated Flux of entire C IV |
hb_fwhm |
or upload file
0E-12 |
FWHM of entire Hbeta |
hb_br_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.004000000190 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of Hbeta broad component |
nii6585_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of [N II] 6585 |
sii6732_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.804726600647 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of [S II] 6732 |
fe_uv_shift |
or upload file
-0.010000000000 |
Wavelength shift of Fe II spectrum in UV band |
fe_op_fwhm |
or upload file
1200.000000000000 |
Rest-frame FWHM of Fe II spectrum in optical band |
lya_na_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.093050479889 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of Lya narrow component |
ha_area |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Integrated Flux of entire Halpha |
red_chi2_3 |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Reduced chi-square in the fitting of the third group lines |
ha_na_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of Halpha narrow component |
nii6549_1_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
8.777196884155 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of [N II] 6549 |
lya_br_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of Lya broad component |
lya_ew |
or upload file
0E-12 |
EW of entire Lya |
ndof_1 |
or upload file
2 |
Degree of freedom in the fitting of the first group lines |
ciii_na_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
Peak flux of the first C III narrow component |
mgii_na_2_peak_wavelength |
or upload file
7.926928043365 |
Peak wavelength in natural logarithm of the second Mg II narrow component |
lya_na_1_sigma |
or upload file
0.000500000024 |
Line dispersion in natural logarithm of Lya narrow component |
oiii4959_1_peak_flux |
or upload file
0E-12 |
Peak flux of [O III] 4959 |
ndof_5 |
or upload file
Degree of freedom in the fitting of the fifth group lines |
gaia_vari_type_sos |
agn |
gaia_vari_type_sos_arr |
or upload file
['agn'] |
file |
or upload file
20170426/HD173213N461949M02/spec-57870-HD173213N461949M02_sp06-052.fits.gz |
file save path |
spec |
or upload file
spec-57870-HD173213N461949M02_sp06-052 |
FITS filename |